
It's really sad that we - or I, I guess - have to feel SO much appreciation for the simple act of someone believing and understanding that the facility with which so many people have to question and disbelieve women when they come forward is such a problem. When people discuss how to solve the rape problem or prevent

'Innocent until proven guilty' is a standard that exists specifically for and within the judicial system. Yes, it's true that we shouldn't just believe everything we read without question, but that doesn't mean withholding all judgement until a uniquely judicial standard is satisfied is appropriate either.

When I was five months pregnant, I burst into tears at a grocery store prepared foods counter because they wouldn't heat up the green beans I'd just bought from them. I was really, really upset, and had to have a "oh my god, they're just green beans - calm down down!" talk with myself. Pregnancy hormones are no

I kept reading polish week as Polish week, in which case I imagine the prep is less manicure and more:

He's a menace to society! He must be stopped!

I'm so sorry that happened to you.

I quit a cult and half my family when I was 16. I grew up in the cult. Think Jehovah's Witness, but a bit weirder. I went to this fundamentalist church's private school where I got straight As but was mostly disliked by the other students for being a goody-two shoes. I studied the Bible all the time, was not allowed

...start work, the CUSTODIAN called me and asked me how I wanted the desks arranged for my Second grade class. And, I was like, I teach First grade but no, the principal changed my grade without telling me. So, that was pretty aggravating because I could have spent the summer preparing. A few days before school was to

FOR SERIOUS. My sister's boyfriend got suspended because he was the photographer for the school paper and took a photo of the vice principal transporting a giant pallet-cart full of booze to some teacher event (sports related, I think?) on campus. The photo was obviously taken on-campus. Anyway, booze wasn't allowed

Holy shit. I'm sorry they treated you so poorly, but this is full of win:

I think there should probably be a trigger warning before this story, because other people have told me they have had similar experiences, and it's about sustained child hoood trauma. So, well, anyway:

I quit two college jobs with both birdies blazing. Job the first: beloved local pizzeria chain. I was an evening hostess/lunchtime server. The head server had worked there for 17 years; since he was 17. He liked to make sexist and racist jokes. I got a lot of the former, since I was uppity enough to be smart and a

I was working in medical supplies. I brought in about ten million dollars a month for my company and did the order processing, billing and sterilization of medical supplies. Also set up the builds with the product manager and handled inventory with 7 international warehouses, the smallest of which had over 2 million

Before you quit, call an employment lawyer. Seriously.

This isn't so much a "quitting" as it is a bridge burned. Consider it the best time I quit giving a fuck.

I walked off the set of Superstar. And not just because it was Superstar.

My best quitting story happened when I was working at a coffee place on my university campus. I had worked there for two years before I quit. The main reason I quit was because of this one girl. She was a terror. She would call people: stupid fucking bitches, dumb cunt, homophobic slurs, etc. She also was lazy as hell

In a vein similar to Kate's: When I was old enough to stop going to my family's yearly camping trip.

If we're going back to our first "quits," I quit Brownies in kindergarten because I wanted to take a drama class. I was an odd child.

I've been nothing if not professional every time I've given notice at a job. I'm terrified of burning bridges.