
I'm surprised this is illegal in Allen. I see horses at McDonald's drive-thru's in El Paso pretty often and nobody seems to care.

You didn’t fuck Mario when you had the chance?

During that same trip to NYC, they early on befriended a bartender who had dreams of performing on Broadway.

Really? So they routinely scrutinize **all* scripts written for off-label use, in the name of patient safety?

This post needs some cheering up. My grandma (stay with me) has a grand tale of taking a plane ride with her newborn son to visit her parents and getting sat with the coasters (ye olde band, “yakety yak”, “charlie brown”, “other novelty songs”). billy guy (alllegedly) kept chatting her up and making eyes at her

I am a lawyer, and I’m pretty surprised too. I would think that since he’s the one who stole from the joint account, that would be taken into account in the division of assets to make her whole (like if the account had 10 mil in it before he started dipping, she’d get 5 and he’d get whatever was left - 2.4 in this

$391 — Easter bunny costume

The second picture show exactly what is wrong with jumping side saddle, the rider has been left and is hanging on that poor horse's mouth. Shameful!

I was actually there this past weekend.

You say that bands suffer from releasing too much product, but I think about the early days Elvis Costello and the Attractions or Husker Du and Black Flag in the mid 80's and it seemed like those bands were putting out new stuff every three months or so, and it was all pretty cool stuff (except maybe "Scream" on side

I’m no lawyer, but it seems to me that a good one could do quite a lot with the fact that the Yankees are, ya know, using “milestone” in PR handouts to denote every other one of ARod’s stats.

At 12 I was on a vacation to Hawaii and got caught in a riptide—my dad joined me to try and save me—and instead we both have to be rescued by surfers. Most embarrassing moment ever for me.

No, he does not have a point.

hahaha, cuz not grooming is just like having long pretty hair.


Nah, fuck him if he can't love me with long hair. GTFO.

When my wife was bald and in chemo, I'd have given anything to have to deal with random hair around the house. When she first started chemo, it fell out in giant clumps, leaving a halo of her naturally blonde hair on her pillow and wherever she sat. Eventually, she asked me to shave her head and that was when it all

forgive me, but I can't really tell if the tone of this is joking or not. If it truly starts fights I feel like you need a better husband. I have hair like and beaver and I'm constantly shedding If Mr.Crunchy started a screaming match over the fact that my hair sheds like every humans does, I wouldn't put up with it

Also guilty of this. When my husband hands me back lone strands of hair from every imaginable and unimaginable place, I thank him graciously and place it back on top of my head. Take that, husband.