
The only way I can even begin to imagine the deputy might agree to doing this is if he is the school's resource officer/deputy, and as being such he knew both of these students and saw them on a consistent basis. I imagine he saw himself as part of a harmless little prank.

Oh, can we get that police office reprimanded? Not fired, just put on strong notice not to do degrade his office this way. ESPECIALLY in this moment in time.

I'm guessing a lot of artists will be under pressure to stop, collaborate and listen to what their attorneys have to say.

I'm imaging the signage now:


Lego is so dumb for rejecting this. Every female lawyer in the country (including me) would order a set to display in her office. They'd make a fortune.

Christ, you cannot spoiler a sports match. FULL STOP.

When I was 22 I was riding the metro and this under frat bro was spitting game at a college girl in the seats in front of me. Every other sentence was KA this and KA that. Suddenly he mentioned that they had a really small pledge class this year and the girl, without missing a beat goes, "oh no. Is there suddenly a

We should probably be looking at what black people should be doing to make Chip less racist.

I'm an adoptive mom. When my kid was going through issues you know what I was doing? I was looking in to temporary residential care or other programs to help treat my child, not removing her from the family. My DHS was supportive, they know her behavior warranted the discussion. Thankfully we found counseling and

We're gonna need a bigger cross.

Interspecies care FTW!

only carefully placed thermite charges could have broken a man's ribs in the manner seen here

Drew Magary: [walks the fuck right into the side of that car because some asshole won't get out of his way]

Most dudes go home and beat off after pretty much any encounter with a female. I've been flying half-mast all day since the drive-thru lady asked if I wanted a receipt.

As a dad thankfully out of the diaper stage here is my advice. ALWAYS, and I mean always, carry a spare diaper crammed into your coat pocket or stashed somewhere in your car because you will find yourself in a situation where you need one and the diaper bag is MIA. You can always find something to wipe with, but

* Groom and Groomsmen get wasted before the ceremony.