
Yes, the lesson of their story is definitely to be rich and have good taste.

That’s not the point of the comment. Regardless of whether she is or isn’t an asshole, she’s pretty certainly not a sexist.

A lot of people who have pretty good feminist cred in the music industry REALLY don’t like her (Tori Amos’s “Professional Widow” is as brutal a musical takedown as they come).

If you think back to the sketches, part of the joke was definitely that Pat’s ambiguity caused such extreme discomfort in the people around her. The other characters became obsessed with figuring out Pat’s gender. Other people couldn’t just live with the uncertainty.

I thought the same thing. This is a great visual, but a large military aircraft crashing in the middle of Stonehenge would be BFD.

How well does this work in practice, and how often do personal firearms get used against women?

I don’t think it is as simple as saying, “hey, don’t do this,” but I do think there are ways of teaching abusers to defuse the regular rationalizations and denial that overlay aggressive and abusive behaviors. Some people are probably unreachable, but I think the majority of abusive behaviors could be deterred or

Implicit in this comment is the idea that we can treat 1 billion Muslims or their faith as a monolith, that there’s some core up-or-down question of whether you’re pro- or anti-Islam. I condemn people who shoot up rallies, bomb marathons, and blow up planes. I don’t view these guys’ acts as requiring my input on

Worse, I’m pretty sure it says “Homo Sex is a Threat to National Security.” That’s the lingo among the extreme protestors.

All this text and not a word about bail?

I didn’t check anything. I don’t recall them happening, and I think I would have. I’m not the one asserting that any of these things happened, and there’s no easy way to prove a negative. If you have examples of where citizen taping of police caused the firebombing, drive-bys, or car bombs you’re alleging, feel free

Does the “Houston, Houston, Houston,” call immediately following Kristen Schaal declaring that they need to find someplace new to live suggest the new setting for season 2? That would at least provide Phil/Tandy access to a place he might communicate with his brother.

“Edited to add”

Inside Amy Schumer, especially this season.

There are a lot of people who deny that bad police shootings, beatings, or abuse happen at all, or deny that they happen at a meaningful rate. Before we can start to find long-term solutions, we need to document what’s happening.

The police should set up a perimeter on the street or sidewalk around any incident or investigation so the public knows where it can and cannot go. Citizens should be able to film, protest, or do whatever they want that is not a crime outside that perimeter.

The police don’t have any privacy in what they do on a public street. They are happy to watch you, videorecord you, and otherwise observe what you do in public without any legal restraint. There are lots of people getting their cars bombed, having drive-bys at their houses, and seeing their houses firebombed, but I

Being a busy body means invading someone’s privacy. Police are public servants executing important public duties. You are never invading the privacy of the police by filming them do their jobs on a public street.

Based on recent US history, yes.

What does he do with his bandages? Does he have a medical-grade incinerator out back just in case?