
The doctor in NYC did properly self assess. He sought care as soon as he showed symptoms. There is no reason to think that asymptomatic Ebola patients can spread the disease. In every case of documented Ebola spread in the US, the people contracting the illness were medical professionals treating someone with acute

YEAH, if Native Americans wanted to have a voice in how other people describe them, they should have remained in the demographic majority in this country!

Even if B were the case — and I strongly doubt it is — all the reasonable cops who I've dealt with will pause for a moment and take a second to explain how the incident shook out. A simple: "Sorry, sir, we had a complaint about thefts from cabins using a pickup truck of the same color and make. We have to check these

I don't know what people are saying elsewhere. I certainly wouldn't frame it like that. But I would say that some very good lessons for children to be taught are: 1) I have control over my body; 2) I get to say no to unwanted touches; 3) I don't owe anybody my body. If you can teach your kids from a young age how to

It is never too late to say, "Hey, I actually don't like being kissed hello/goodbye."

As said elsewhere, voluntary intoxication is not a defense to a crime. However, intoxication can undermine the case for showing what's called "specific intent," where that intent is an element of a crime. So, if somebody gets blacking-out drunk and fires off a pistol, and several rounds come close to hitting you, that

A DA is a district attorney and the prosecutor. A defense attorney is never called a DA.

The problem with bullshit is not that it's phrased wrong.

Since the USDA and FDA have been regulating what you eat for decades? You may object to that role, but regulating food quality, content, and packaging has been happening for a very long time.

I'm pro-legalization, but I wouldn't have a problem with this. Yes, I realize that parents are responsible for monitoring what their kids get. But we also don't make Vicodin sodas or morphine candy that are designed to emulate popular non-drug products. The only popular legal drug that looks like a regular consumer

I wish his movie-sux-dar had been working before they made Ghostbusters 2.

I would happily admit factory farming is a shitty, appalling thing. It is! It's awful. In fact, the whole thread is littered with people admitting that very thing, while thinking that this display is awful and terrible and counterproductive. And you sending these videos out into the ether is shitty, counterproductive

I don't know if Cassie actually has a cat, it's just a bizarre rejoinder from someone who supposedly cares about animals (and not, say, about lording ethics over others).

Wow, you clearly are really concerned about animal welfare!!! Nothing like wishing something bad happens to someone's animal to really drive home your point.

No, there's not.

But, they're like, super allies. Right? Like . . .

It's not food, it's violence!

Not to detract from the story itself, but it is surely not a coincidence that details on a two-year old White House-Secret Service scandal that make the White House look bad emerge days after the Secret Service gets repeatedly humiliated by how bad they are at doing their jobs protecting the president.

I strongly resented the way this article strongly suggests that C-sections are significantly safer than vaginal delivery — which is almost certainly not true.