Burner McFakename

Don’t eat 60 grams.

Wait, we’re applauding the guy who apparently overserved a couple and then called the cops on them because he didn’t like the tip?

Now just imagine the shit they’ve been getting away with all these years, especially in areas with a lot of minorities. Can you imagine what it was like for a black person in dealing with a cop in the South in the 1950’s if this is what it’s like now?

That was entirely to much to read for very little pay off.

So the shooter was egged on, fell from a wall, and was injured in the fall. I think we’re looking for Humpty Dumpty.

So long and thanks for all the fish.

I’m a feminist who is constantly talking about the patriarchy and sexist ideas of acceptable femininity. . . but this would piss me right off.

People were commenting on break.com’s version of the article with the phrase “TIPS: To insure prompt service”. Butchering of the English language aside, what the hell? Like servers and waiters have control over how long it takes the kitchen to make things.

This entitled housewife looks back at her impressionable child and calmly says “She is yelling because that girl deserves it, the service is terrible every time we come here.” And then she looked me straight in the eyes.