
I just ask ppl that believe the Earth is flat 2 things:

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

I love this movie more than I care to admit.

I’m not sure who I despise more - this sack of monkey shit or or the sack of monkey shit going by the name Scott Priutt. I also wonder if a complete sack of shit has any inkling it’s a sack of shit, or if it truly thinks it’s human.

Wilt Chamberlain was a legit 7'2 (measured by the league before the draft) and he isn’t more than two inches taller than Andre here.

Wow a conservative advising other people about principles.

I have a new 19 year old hero. Additional quotes from the linked article:

Slightly off topic, but every time I see USMNT I translate it to “United States Mutant Ninja Turtles.”. Carry on.

To be fair, Carrey painted Sarah Sanders as Sarah Sanders. Genetics and a lifetime of habitual lying made her a monster!

Sam Gilbert could not afford giving kids 100k back in the day. Also, he only gave UCLA athletes money after they were UCLA athletes, not in recruiting. But hey, fuck facts in this day and age. All Power 5 athletes are getting paid once they get on campus and if you know how bad AAU is then you know everyone has to get

KDs sooooo authentic that he created a secret 2nd Twitter account to defend himself from people talking shit about him.

So many parallels to the fall of Rome. Expanding economic inequality, power wielded by those who pay for it, obsequious flattery, an emperor receiving information exclusively through his selected courtiers *cough Fox News cough*, senators immune from taxation, incompetent sons of leaders...

As a rail commuter this is the kind of stuff that scares me.

I guess you could say they’re Scientology’s LAPDogs.

I always preferred Leslie & Ben to Jim and Pam.