
They’re probably just mad because Jeter’s one-night stands got better severance baskets than they did.

Also in the news: two in five Americans need a good kicking.

This passage really stood out to me when I first read it as a kid nearly 25 years ago. The more time passes, the more prescient it seems to become. 

Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:

This. Made. My. Day. I’ve gotten to the point where I bounce around to my favorite sketches, but they still make cackle. Nice reference to Jeff Chris (or is it Criss?) btw. The way Connor O’Malley raises his arm up then slams it on his desk when mentioning him is and endless source of laughs for me.

I’m paying attention to him because The Ringer is treating him as a reasonable person and saying his book is worth reading, and I made sure to transcribe the conversation because I know one of the reactions to this blog would have been, “Oh, you’re taking this out of context.” So, there’s the context. I believe it’s

This is a killer comment.

Oscar Pistorius competed in the Olympics. And that guy has NO calves. 

It may not shock you to learn that Leonard was, even then, a man of few words.

I can’t believe my hometown Isotopes have been dogged in two articles now. Their Mariachis threads are nice!

I can’t believe my hometown Isotopes have been dogged in two articles now. Their Mariachis threads are nice!

When employers attack workers’ and their families’ livelihoods, it is a form of violence.

I love the term “lingerer” and love using it.

The best parts of his shitty band’s shitty music videos for their shitty songs is that the comments section is always disabled because he’s a thin-skinned baby.

Hey guys we found PG’s burner account.

Dude is totally making Valyrian steel this season. 

I’ve asked before and I’ll ask again:

This dumb dumb team. This goddamn Fyre Festival of a sports franchise.

Lol I actually just rewatched the movie last night after I kept finding opportunities to say “fucking lingerers” yesterday.

There was one specific line that never used to get a ton of laughs from me but it killed me last night. It’s when they sell to the kids and he tells them “Remember, you got it from Sa-... From

I disagree. I like the absurdity of the whole thing where they’re making jokes about being the lame kid who fell asleep early at the sleepover party after Danny McBride literally passes out at the table from his gruesome injuries. But I do think that the first half is funnier than the second half. That’s not to say I