
Jeter did it right - didn’t get married (until recently, anyway) so he could plow through a who’s who of some of the most beautiful women on the planet ,to his heart’s content, with no worries of scandals and/or divorces. FTR, I also have no problem with any females doing it like this either.

These fucking pricks. That is all.

i had to give up smoking before playing ball. it was all well and good if I was just going to shoot around for an hour while listening to music. But, if I got involved in games, his comment about needing to calm down is soooo on point lol.

Fantastic analysis. I don’t suppose you have a link to the blog?

This balances me out a little bit after reading the story about those 2 fucks in Turkey that videotaped themselves cutting off a poor dog’s ears and then posted it on facebook.

Couldn’t edit my response, so adding here:

that took a real left turn there at the end.

oh man, shoplifting. i used to steal as many packs of baseball/basketball/football cards from the local card shop as I could get my grubby hands on. One night, my grandfather dropped me off there for about 15 minutes while he was at the grocery store and i must’ve walked off with close to a dozen packs. Then, I

I had a friend growing up whose backyard abutted a moderately busy road. We used to stand in his front yard, and using one of those large diameter plastic baseball bats, hit rocks over his backyard onto said road. Also, me and a different friend would use real (metal) baseball bats to hit golf balls on to the next

I had a Lyft driver give me the common refrain of not voting for HRC b/c she was one of the “elite”. When I called out his bullshit by pointing out that you don’t get more elite than being a billionaire who’s part of the 1% of the 1%, he responded pretty much as expected. Which is to say, with an answer that reeked of

As I’m walking my dog - “what would this person do if I smacked them in the face with this bag of poop?”

I honestly don’t get what Maddon thinks he’s doing. Neither Hendricks or Lester were in any serious trouble and he stupidly yanked them quick, fast and in a hurry. Chapman blows a 3 run lead while looking completely gassed and Maddon trots him back out the next inning. Wtf??

Now playing

“Student ath-o-letes? Ho ho, that is brilliant, sir!”

+ 2 blown out knees

I straight up don’t answer any calls from numbers I don’t recognize, then will Google them. My assumption is always, no voicemail = scammer. Google usually confirms this. The few times it’s been a call from my CC (or utility) company, they get called back at the number on their website.

They need to do a movie based around they storyline where Magneto pulls the adamantium from Wolverine’s bones through his pores (I think I’m remembering that correctly).

I’ve always thought being that old would be the perfect time to try something crazy. Like heroin. Or going out like Aldous Huxley.

I’ve often wondered if this would work. Thanks for confirming!

cancel your CC or DC (I’ll just say it was lost). It might be a minor inconvenience to update any other auto-pay bills, but it guarantees these companies can’t keep charging you.

Work bathroom, last summer. Go in to take my pre-lunch pee and simultaneously hear a guy in the far stall and think to myself “it smells like someone shit themselves in here”. It wasn’t an overwhelming stench, just a whiff, and I exited without giving it a second thought.