
I support the Democrat.

Well, except they kind of did. If the baby is in government custody and the woman was forced to fly back to Taiwan. I know she’ll get the baby back soon, but I still think it’s cruel to mandate a separation of a newborn from his mom. She couldn’t have stayed in the US for two weeks?

I aspire to give people that type of look someday. That is a woman who truly does not give anything resembling a fuck about is being said.

Or that cat is trying to strangle it’s toy in order to get attention. Munchausen by Purrrrrroxy.

what sort of comment system wouldn’t have auto remove

Should be deleted and dismissed for fucking with my girl Jennifer Garner’s classic movie title like that tho...

Just wait until winter comes. I can’t wait to hear what this guy thinks about sleds.

It does fill my cold, money grubbing Jew heart with an appealing sense of whimsy.

As a fucking kite myself, I approve this decision.

this is why i don’t hold much truck with the “we shouldn’t be arguing about the women at the top, we should be fighting for the wome in the middle/bottom!” argument. we SHOULD, so totally obviously, be fighting for them! intersectionally as well! and it’s WAY more important! but i think this is one area where

Heard that. I’m a true crime freakaleek, and any show I’ve seen on this case tries to make Andrea Yates the unfortunate, but villainous character while praising her husband and his strength getting through such a hard time. It was clear to me she was a truly troubled woman who listened to her God and husband tell her

Sure, whatever. A crotchety old Socialist Jew from Vermont who spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union is totally going to elected in these here United States. Good luck with that.


and learn to whack it during the act. a mid act whack attack is a surefire way to beat the odds during a casual hook up.

you know how boys start whacking it around 10-11? girls gotta start whacking it earlier too (cause isn’t like the average age when women start masturbating like early 20s?).

That’s fucked up. Anyway, you guys wanna see my autographed photo of LL Cool J?

Terrifying! Poor little you!

yeah; i often give in for this very reason

Preach! My first time criticizing someone for claiming a psychological disorder to hyperbolize their point I got jumped on by other members here. So I applaud you for standing up for this issue.

When I was around 6, the neighborhood gang of girls I grew up with trekked out to the city cemetery, about a mile from our house. I was the youngest by two years, so super stoked to be invited along. At one point, we were playing some iteration of “tag” that I misunderstood, and as I fled the big girls, wildly