I had cancer at 29 and a recurrence at 31. Every gray hair is a reminder I didn’t die when I was 29. Every wrinkle is another day I got to spend with my family and on the planet because I didn’t die.
I had cancer at 29 and a recurrence at 31. Every gray hair is a reminder I didn’t die when I was 29. Every wrinkle is another day I got to spend with my family and on the planet because I didn’t die.
I keep myself face down in a tub full of ice 23 hours a day. The room is pitch black and there is no sound. The other hour, my skin is being lathered with a margarine based cream. I do not eat.
This is why I’m not their audience... I remember Full House. I watched Full House. I have no interest in rewatching any house. I have my own, which requires cleaning and fixing and other things that are old.
They don’t need the money or the exposure. Should they be leaping at the chance to spend several days in close quarters with a Stepford wife religious fanatic? Team Olsen twins!
*IF* the judging of the competition was done blind (that is, the judges did not see the competitors or the competitor’s name in relation to the project being judged, and did not know the gender of the competitors) - then I think this is fine. On an even playing field, women can win on the merits - NO PROBLEM. They…
Yep. There was a group interview (can’t recall the mag - maybe Newsweek?) that included Sandra Bullock. At one point she said (paraphrasing here) “I became aware I was definitely considered a second-class citizen as soon as I hit puberty”. And lo these many years later... absolutely fuck-all has changed.
Maybe they were just trying to give girls a realistic look at what it’s like to be a woman in a STEM field. They did a pretty good job in that regard!
I’m a southerner. That was a perfectly executed “bless your heart,” 10/10 would bless.
Not to the mention the subtle-but-smooth “in my hometown” line, which will make Ben remember all the dumbshits from her hometown that she said “bless their heart” about, and he’ll realize, damn, I’m one of them.
As an Alabama native, I gasped when I read that skillfully deployed “bless your heart.” I can only imagine that it was launched with a twisted, condescending smirk, and that possibility warms the bitchy cockles of my heart. Well DONE, Miss Lady.
If a man is aways going out of his way to prove how brilliant he is- or if it’s being proven at someone else expense- he is BAD NEWS BEARS.
You’re an idiot. Since when is Gloria Steinem in any way related to abortion and choice beyond being a vocal feminist?
A) she can do whatever the fuck she likes
I can’t even shop for clothes without being exposed to agitprop?
All of my winter coats are from Land’s End. Love them.
If you’re one of the majority of American men who is neither a vape addict nor a Crossfit cultist, their dress shirts are an excellent value. I’ve had some that I’ve worn well over 100 times and have maintained their wrinkle resistance, which is a big deal when you wear a shirt and tie every day and would prefer not…
Called. To say that the woman I spoke with was kind is an understatement. She said, “It’s been a very busy day around here. Thank you for your call.” She sounded so fed up and weary.