
As I understand it Buu was awakened at that time and place because there was a tournament with strong fighters to fuel him. In the scenario above this wouldn't have happened and Buu would have had to of been awakened at some other time, perhaps long after Bulma gained the power to stop it.

Why is he fighting green bars of soap.

Powered by doughnuts?

I'd look at the second hand market. A lot of older cards that beat this in every metric.

"The new $250 video card to beat"

Are we sure people are buying these? Maybe someone has come up with another use for them and is buying in bulk? Though they dropped linux support which probably removes the appeal for academics and businesses.

I remember reading an article complaining about female comic book character poses being impossible then heading over to my instagram feed and seeing those same poses in action, particularly the ass/boobs torso twist. Clearly these "that's impossible" arguments don't give narcissists enough credit.

That was kind of appalling. Idk what was more amateurish, the off topic quick cuts, or how he some how managed to hurt my ears despite my use of a conservative volume setting.

I know where your lives?

It's not about the inspirations, it's about the finished product. Game freak already takes a lot of inspirations from animals and objects, but it hasn't helped them make a decent finished product in over a decade. Her work is just flat out superior.

And every one of them looks better than the originals. They should hire her to design the next batch of pokemon. Seriously it's about time we had some designs everyone can agree are awesome.

Every time I step into mosh pit I get punched in the face. It's just a bunch of assholes using it for an excuse to hit people, flailing their arms around as hard as they can.

Looks tedious and unrewarding.

Something is missing here. If she was overweight before and this is her normal food intake she'd still be overweight because it's not possible to burn off that many extra calories with any amount of exercise. Maybe if she added 100 lbs of muscle. So I'm inclined to think she just does this on occasion to show off,

Nice way to spruce up a landfill.

Enough with this gawker mandated superficial click baity articles. The problem with AMD game support is the AMD driver team, not imaginary lock outs. If anything it's worse news for gamers when AMD does partner up. I'll post it again, a proper write up on the issue http://techreport.com/news/26521/nvi…

I bet there's somebody that can calculate if that cat really went faster than the horses.

If you didn't even know the brain produces new cells why even comment? Weirdo

Hasn't there been multiple studies now that show this sort of thing permanently kills your brains ability to to produce new cells?