
I can not look at Evangeline Lilly’s anti semitic and anti vax supporting face. Disney better recast her post quantummania.

“Exactly what they should be.”

nature doesn’t usually do straight lines

Just pointing out how much of a hack the author is. Which is fair game. It’s not like I’m the only person who has that opinion judging from the other comments. 

his "music" is trash, like himself, period. 

sit down, kanye.

Sorry, DBZA, I will no longer be supporting the official release.

I think it’s short for “metagame”, borrowed from gaming vernacular, in the sense of how optimal strategies evolve.

It was upsetting and unnecessary. Didn’t help anything. More of a snuff film. Played off of the tropes in a way that will only have the few who watched it digging deeper into their hill homes.

Well at least you and Brian found something to chat about!

Yeah, nobody is talking about this movie in my circles, online or off. Seemed to be poorly received by most reputable critics. Kind of an obvious yawner whose point will be missed or ignored by reality-deniers and annoy those of us that are already well aware that we are fucked. This movie, if it wasn’t sitting right

Pretty much. People liked Deadspin because they brought some politics into sports. Then Herb Spanfeller destroyed it, there was major backlash, and a bunch of writers left, including Kotaku writers. They started bringing politics back into Deadspin after reader number plummeted across all the Kinja sites.

“Quidditch, the favorite wizard sport of transphobes everywhere,”

…Quidditch, the favorite wizard sport of transphobes everywhere,…

Many skincare ingredients have been studied for decades and decades and are scientifically proven. Vitamin C, retinol, BHA/AHA, ceramides, etc and their effects are very well studied. Cosmetic chemistry is a legit field involving a lot of testing and peer reviewed studies. Dermatology certainly isn’t based on puff

Part the appeal of streamers - it would seem to me as an observer, I’m not big on following or watching them in particular - is that the origins of streaming involved a certain level of accessibility to said streamers. They’re “like you”, they play games, and to whatever degree, they interact with viewers during their

I also was very upset and confused when I saw the website and there were no links to the studies or credits to the labs or the people that worked behind the scenes to make RFLCT happen.”

People made the same idiotic predictions before the last pandemic special, too.

“If South Park stays true to form” have you seen an episode of South Park in the last decade, or do you just enjoy regurgitating other avclub comment cliches? Even a quick skimming of the wikipedia synopsis for the last South Park pandemic special would reveal you will be completely, totally off the mark. 

ITT: people who haven’t watched South Park in ages