I feel like Wall got unfairly grouped in with Cousins since they played together in college. While I’m sure Cousins isn’t a bad guy, he’s fucking off the wall in the locker room, no pun.
I feel like Wall got unfairly grouped in with Cousins since they played together in college. While I’m sure Cousins isn’t a bad guy, he’s fucking off the wall in the locker room, no pun.
to be fair OP made the comment in an attempt to shit on the UK and US. Which is fine, but they used a shitty example
I do see your point but Barrack is BLACK and he is eloquent as hell
He shouldn’t have to do anything. He’s done. Maybe HamNo should get off his throne and go make some changes on his own cause he has no right to tell Barack what to do.
yeah he’s done his time, let the man live however he likes IMO. Barack is one of the very few politicians who I really love. I honestly remember early 2000s thinking if we got a black prez he’d be shot. It’s crazy what he’s done for the countries perception of minorities
Obama is NOT a public servant anymore. He even tweeted that he is a private citizen right after his term was up. He can and should do whatever the fuck he wants.
yeah I find it pretty annoying that we judge Obama for what he does after his service is over.
Counterpoint: Baseball’s stupid unwritten rules create drama. The MLB season is really long so drama is good. Therefore the unwritten rules are good.
All the Kardashian shit that Jezebel cosigns as feminism is really just corporations taking advantage of dumb, easily manipulated girls.
as big of a dbag except he probably couldn’t write a book
I dont care if he’s a blowhard, he writes more interesting sports stuff on average than the vast majority of writers and he has a clear tone to his writing which is more than most can say
totally reasonable but what is BS is that Ovi slashed and tripped him which led to him falling and it went unpenalized.
and even more-so he tripped Crosby
eh Adele is pretty gross and she’s the biggest thing in the world
Yeah exactly. Lessen punishments, use fines rather than suspensions. Guys missing multiple games just for weed should be worst case scenario.
that’s true, but for as long as it is still illegal (due to fucking idiot voters/republicans) they will always have that excuse to fall back on. Which is frustrating but understandable. They need to start lobbying IE the NBA with gambling
I don’t disagree with the fact the rule should change, but I don’t think it is breaking the rules so much as it is playing with the rules. Fouling is a part of the game, it’s not cheating.
One huge douche from FS1 talked about how espn is dying. If ESPN is dying then FS1 was never born cause they dead
yep, then their arguement is well I don’t watch so I don’t help their rating! In which I say, well your almost for sure not a nielsen house so no it doesn’t fucking matter
you mean when most people are at work? Sorry, usually doing this stupid bullshit from 9-6 everyday.