
No no no Splinter.

This guy, however, gets it.

It is too bad that they transformed themselves from a gun safety organization to a lobbying organization for the firearms industry.

The ghost of Dwight Eisenhower is here to remind you about the “military-industrial complex.”

Direct quote from Donnie Manboobs this morning:

I bet the FBI is investigating him. Why did Rosenstein attend his testimony? Kravenaugh lied during his first confirmation hearings and in this hearing and probably to the the FBI (the crime Mueller’s been indicting these traitors for left and right) for his background checks. His friend Mark Judge is going to fold

I think it would be more like a foreigner doing an interview with an American news station where they say something along the lines of:

Bingo. The last scene of the movie spells out who exactly was to blame for Queeg cracking. I would say that you could also say that while Trump was certainly no kind of hero and was a rich-boy piece of shit before entering politics, he was a reality show host and mostly harmless to most of the world. It was those who

Today, at the hearing, Lindsey Graham had the absolute fucking nerve to say, “If you want to pick judges for your way of thinking, then you better win an election.”


A lot of takes already here, but Cecilia points out that the fault likely lays with the artists or whoever prepared their visas:

Good story, Cecilia.

You worked hard on it and I hope you feel good about being part of important change. (I’m often critical of kotaku, outside of refreshing it 10x a minute.)

These sorts of reports, are hard to do, and I don’t know how the pay scale works, but I imagine it can’t be worth it monetarily. Like, you’ve

Came here to be cynical, critical, and maybe give a perfunctionary “It’s a start.” But that would all be largely redundant to the article and maybe too harsh? At least they do seem to be listening and maybe finally acknowledging the shortcomings in their leadership. Here’s to hoping it all comes to pass for a better

I said somewhere else that denial will be the downfall of Western civilization. If we can figure out a way to get through that without pretending it doesn’t exist, o irony, maybe we’ll make it.

I have said this before, and I’ll say it every time this discussion comes up:

I’m an educator. I’ve also been through BCT and a number of firearm familiarization courses. I am actually in favor of individual firearm ownership, but with the caveat that background checks and standards need to be tightened, longer waiting

She has rendered herself redundant; these press briefings are pointless. Why have them? Sanders is either going to obfuscate the truth or focus on some inane right-wing talking point that has no meaning outside of their bubble.

The number one responsibility of a father is to embarrass their child as much as possible. Carry on, Alec.