
Department of Homeland Security - say it so the damn thing leaves a bad taste on your tongue. Replace it with Armenian runes and you’d probably get something the Schutzstaffel would have been proud to call home. And 100% agreed on the Patriot Act - when I first heard of this legislation I knew where we’d end up, but I


Part of it, I think, is reminding us how low and classless this president really is. How he’ll never pass up a womp-womp cheap shot because he can. The bigger stories are getting plenty of play, too, but we need to be reminded (some of us) that this is who Trump is, this is how he behaves, and he can’t even get a

Avoiding the questions, eh? I see you are a coward. Its hard to take you seriously when you are a chicken shit troll who pretends they are a lawyer in the comment sections, but can’t even be bothered to read a wikipedia article entitled “Impeachment Process Against Richard Nixon” before spouting off. Had you

The policy of systemic human rights violations at our southern border is an impeachable offense in itself. There is no need for the Mueller investigation. The only thing standing in the way is the political will of the Republican Party. At best, its unclear whether they stand for anything beyond their own power right

Putting the morality argument aside for a moment (which I can’t imagine being on the side arguing this is moral), even from purely self-interest this is a fucking horrible idea for the US. THIS IS HOW EXTREMISTS AND TERRORISTS ARE MADE. This is ready-made anti-US propaganda. Further, many of these kids will be

A Theory of Animals

I try to avoid listening to Donald Trump’s voice, but on a Wednesday in mid-May, I watched the video of a statement

“Most stressful job”! “Not knowing if they’ll come back every single day”!

But still, it illustrates the finite nature of Mr. Rogers’s ideals. “I like you just the way you are,” he often said, but in the case of Clemmons there was a caveat: “...I just need you to show less of the way you are.” This information through the lens of contemporary culture, in which an employer legislating what

^ Much more accurate depiction. Sigh. America.

Another version.

Every article posted on the gizmedia sites about Arpaio vastly understates just how utterly vile this man is. Every damn one. Even if trump had only pardoned him, that is totally unforgivable and a massive indictment of this administration. Arpaio is fucking evil - so much so that it takes a little searching to dig up

When WaPo did the story about him running for the state legislature last year, they found the first person who signed his petition, and she was a Democrat who was mortified. She said it was a short conversation, he just came up to her door and said he was a libertarian who wanted to run for office to give voters “more

Who could have imagined that a Trump White House would be full of insecure narcissists who gossip like high schoolers.

“He explained, “He was 20 years older than me and short. And I wasn’t attracted to Asian men.” He added, “I was a hot, surfer, California boy type, that he probably could have only gotten had he..”etc.

I think its time to crack down hard on tech-bro computer programmers calling themselves software “engineers” without any actual fucking credentials because no licensed professional engineer should ever have allowed a lethal machine with only one flimsy human safeguard in contact with the public.

“Identity politics are bad but if members of an identity group support someone outside of the group for political reasons it is also bad and confusing. Now, please excuse me. Someone got peanut butter stuck to the roof of my mouth and I can’t figure out how to get it off.”