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Because that quote should always get context...

Whaddabout the third one, though, is that just a very time-lapsed echo?

The broad category vs. its smaller constituent parts... the explanation is that it’s a small, US centric shard of the population that identifies with the conservative ideology that rejects the science, rather than the whole.

The person in question previously made a living harassing media personalities, so... not really a surprise?

Also, if your opposition is allowed any access whatsoever on the same platforms... right?

I don’t know, I feel like they’re running out of time...

Future list... several of them will be interns shortly.

Oh, to reach the dream...

I dunno... can’t ask for forgiveness if you don’t know that it’s evil? Something something religion something something...

Maybe it’s cheesecake-ish? Kit Kat’s have gone down this path already...

Hopefully we’ll end up with stronger legislation in response. That being one of the goals of separating the powers... and that being the response in the past.

The party over country axiom of the conservative movement ranks pretty high on the list of issues...

Or be treated to Chinese corporate law... at least in this area...

Every time I hear his name...

Finland agrees! Yay for free cardboard (and lots of other stuff)!

My mom and sister agree.