
Principles... the token payments are likely required for some bookkeeping purpose, but set low enough to be relatively trivial... but one must honor the deal to continue to expect deals to be made.

On the record, but not to their viewers, unfortunately.


Ad hoc therapy session with Citizen Steel... that will sit in my heart for quite some time.

You mean Indigenous Peoples Day?

“a policy change”... marking an asylum seeker as not showing up for a meeting she attended, and at which she answered questions, because she was advised not to answer ancillary questions by her lawyer, and the representative decided that that was unacceptable... as opposed to the prescribed legal action of

Didn’t Doki Doki have something like this in its near-end game?

About 16 percent of US households recieved the Long Form in 2000, and were asked ‘the question’. That seems like enuf to be considered part of the ‘main census’.

It’s a Christmas thing in Japan to have KFC, fried chicken is a big thing in South Korea, there’s a tall white guy at BuzzFeed that scours the world for fried chicken to go try and make videos... this stereotype is beyond nonsense.

Levar Burton...

Agreed. And we don’t need to send a trained soldier to potentially become a part of a drug dealer’s trainer squad somewhere else, either.

So, throw in some virgins in the afterlife for a concrete idea of a reward, and just a tad more directed violence, and ... we move from being tested to pushing for armageddon, so no one else needs to suffer. It’s moving from fatalistic (“can’t change people, or the system, it’s foolish to try, and not the point”) to

What if she’s busy that night, can I watch Spy by myself?

Because that’s the power of (his) music!

That wasn’t Famke Janssen?

Point of order, not their DNA, but their social fabric. It doesn’t have to be bred out, but socialized out, so to speak.

“... because women should have both options.” — anti-choice advocate Kristen Waggoner, while asserting that being forced to provide truthful information instead of providing false information when asked about alternatives to keeping an undesirable pregnancy is against the first amendment...

Now playing

A drunk person in South Korea causing a ruckus, no way!

Me, too! So long as it’s after Zari’s editorial influence...