
Are those probably the same ones who believe The Karate Kid was actually about Johnny?

Thoughts and prayers to his flock...

Kind of belongs in the Billy Graham story...

Those boots!

In case this needed a link...

Explaining how the system of testing works and adding the credence of the testers doesn’t really address the study on its own merits, or the example provided by the original respondent. Saying that lenders agree that they themselves can’t inject a racial component is an argument from authority. Your stance thus far

Again, what would be a valid excuse to have “tons of credit card debt and a very limited credit history”

Nope, it was this guy... Brian Mast, R-Florida, US House of Reps.

Wallflower said

... and he’s not the only one. This one is a Rep from Florida, for a district near the school...

There is, of course, no way that that set of certainly not flawed multiple criteria could also be flawed. Or biased. I mean, if your parents couldn’t get you to co-sign on your first credit card, or open a savings account for you when you were a child, what business do you even have getting a reasonable credit card on

It might not be quite so simple as a single layer of people acting in overtly racist manners. It might be like IQ tests, where the metrics being used are being misused, or have hidden dependencies on prejudicial systems and assumptions.

It’s not exposing that it happened, so much as it’s keeping lying-by-statute-of-limitations at bay. People keep getting older, and kids cross over into adulthood and begin paying more attention to news than before (none, still looking forward to the playground today), every day. So it’s important to keep new stories

Was this the guy that blamed Hollywood movies for gun violence, or was it another Congressman? I briefly heard part of an interview this morning on NPR, but didn’t catch the name.

Not as good as Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen...

I mean, the This American Life segment came off as “I went in with what I thought was open eyes, and... I came away disappointed.” It would’ve been nice to have a clearer “I was wrong” moment in there, or “my mama was right”, to tie back into the anecdotes about when he first talked about talking to his family about

They know what it is, that’s why they have rebranded / are rebranding it. It’s at least one area where the base is not quite ready to accept any “X is bad” statement... “family” and “reunification” are still triggering for “good”, even when “their guy” says it isn’t.

... and on the small screen...

No love for Steel...

Fight scenes aside, the rest of the movie was... not the best. Well on par for a Saturday afternoon action flick, but not quite at the polish of a Bond movie. She’s definitely getting better at acting, though.