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Whoops. Too many Kennedys.

Ugh. Anti-vax is not a good position to take if one wants to stand for actual facts.

Currently, possibly due to backlogs from the arrests, courts that handle the cases being nearly at capacity (not enough judges getting submitted for appointment?), and fewer attempts at coming in in the first place (accelerating rate of decline over the past year, though it had been declining for a few years?)

Executive time?

“done so well for themselves”... how does the line of reasoning go for why Asian-American actors aren’t paid anywhere near as well as their co-stars (or corporate executives, lawyers, etc.) I really never followed that line, to hear out the arguments, un?fortunately.

Agreed. Buddhists, as well, though significantly less often in the US. Ditto free-market-ists, anarcho-capitalists, etc.

Relatedly, Hasids took over a NJ suburb...

Yep, aside from brief mentions here and there on morning/evening updates, I only saw additional coverage from NPR.

The next generation, watching this effectively anonymous behavior, doesn’t yet understand anonymity, and therefore doesn’t consider it a factor when emulating that behavior. Which is what we’re in the middle of now... waiting for the social backlash from that in maybe another decade.

... and she’s going to be over 30 herself at some point in the (near?) future...

Kind of wish they were reviving the TV show. I’d like to see more Hobbes/Fawkes banter.

No, he seemed to be pretty opportunistic about it, grifting money off of flat-earthers to fuel his rather expensive hobby. I doubt he believes or cares one way or another about proving or disproving flat earth “theory”.


Well... there are proponents of something similar that suggest that this will increase the number of manufacturing jobs (solar panel makers), at the cost of decreasing the profit margin of others (solar panel installers). I haven’t seen a study that would show the net impact, though.

Chipping away at the chips on the table is a perfectly valid stance. Disappointing, but defensibly practical.

Those have been around for quite some time, not just here. Didn’t fly in Massachusetts.

+1 for Threshold