
Was using a Martin Freeman image intentional?

This year, yeah, probably fresh water. A few years ago, sea spray certainly did its own thing...

Private business competing with public services, sure... UPS, FedEx vs. USPS. Privatization, not so much (FedEx being the sole vendor for shipping for the US military for years...)

But did they all need to walk like John Parker to get there?

I thought the deal was to leave Cracker Barrel alone?

Non-scientifical poll, were they vehement dog people, or cat people, or a mix of both?

And Puerto Ricans moving to Florida, which may move that state further blue.

I kind of wonder if the journalistic tourism of rural areas is in part due to some guilt on the part of journalists who identify as having come from small town roots, but left for bigger things. Hearing “the smart ones leave, and we resent them for it” cuts, and the call to write the truth might lean one towards a

... and yet, safety features are still not entirely figured out.

Sigger says today that every meth arrest they make they can trace back to Mexican distributors. But Sigger says that if there were no Latino population in Albertville, there very well might be just as much drug and property crime in town, because the meth would just come in through Atlanta.

Doctors are still human, and not above being influenced by “studies show” and sales tactics. Nor are said studies’ results beyond being reframed and distorted. It takes time for “common knowledge” to become “general knowledge” in any community. IOW, the manufacturers handed them the gasoline, and told them it was a

Agreed, but including specifically that one suggests that there are others that fall into the same category that were already excluded. Beware, for that way lie hanging chads...

A few pennies difference is at the 95-99% quality control level. Nintendo generally wants closer to 5-6 nines, which costs more. See for example the cost of database SAN quality hard drives vs. consumer desktop drives.

Lowes doesn’t carry the same variety of choices per item type, generally... I wonder how they’re positioning themselves in this. I can’t really differentiate the two much, as opposed to Target (easy to navigate, clean) and Walmart (cheaper, but obnoxious).

One who is not in the least bothered by this

I mean, even if they don’t care about things being better, at least getting what they DO want into proper order seems like a reasonable thing to expect. Even if you expect not to win, make plans for if you do...