
...watch Lizzy Caplan play a genderswapped Gambit...

They’re not just in Texas, but yeah...

Hot take... or it could have been because of the rules in Montana around absentee and mail-in voting...

*bumps annual donation to EFF a bit to account for KT*

Individual income isn’t something that the government can say will increase with any sort of confidence, or a nod towards confidence. GDP / corporate growth is something the government has said it can have some confidence in predicting. This is the basis of some dank accounting that lets corporate breaks not be

FWIW, the Byrd rule is the reason for the ten-year period. That corporate tax breaks don’t need to be beholden to this is due to looser accounting rules on estimating their impact on federal revenue.

Still not the best Chris-as-Steve... but yeah, it’s close.

Doubly awesome that this shot makes those feet look like dark sunglasses (with a fake nose) for the bottom Goomba.

Llamas: Do you believe Roy Moore over the women?

...he’s really arguing on behalf of Roy that the Gadsden Mall never banned him...

So... treating the various civil engineering test lab versions as a small scale model? Cool. Nothing like up-sizing lab tests to go full-scale to get engineers giddy.

I kinda of liked Kim’s Convenience. I’m going to guess that All-American Girl was the other reference? I don’t think Vanishing Son went nationwide during primetime, only on some local-ish stations (WGN? I don’t remember exactly...)

At least that dude was polite.

That... is an ongoing legal discussion. Because of course it is.

McMcKay made me giggle. I feel no shame in that.

Thank you for this update on the Virgin Islands - so much coverage of Puerto Rico, it’s a fair reminder that these islands were hit quite hard as well.

They should withdraw their support and expel him if he gets elected.