
Mostly because of the phrasing - it didn’t look like I was the only one that got that impression, though it does look like I was the only one that got a reply thread. Calling out left-wing/right-wing is irrelevant, it’s the fact that they’re conspiracy theory believers that’s important.

Agreed with the “why, Chloe, why?!”

That first round, where he gets away with the “just kidding, not serious” defense... yeah. Didn’t work for this guy...

Sort of like how renewal of driver’s licenses by mail / online past a person’s 100th birthday should probably be seen?

Same. After clicking, the story made me sad for this new case, rather than sad that my memory continues to show signs of failing.

Then don’t do the same back. Here’s the exchange:

Avoiding trademark issues, maybe? Or maybe the author wanted to avoid bringing any additional collateral pop culture into it - the university feels like it has enough separation to be resistant to any sort of halo effects. Or vice versa. I’m not sure about the band’s fandom relative to comics, but have seen other

One additional quibble - language is, by function of what it is, dependent on both speaker and listener to agree on meaning. You don’t get to decide what I understand you to mean, but you can clarify. Your initial reply to my first reply wasn’t adequate to address my concern, but a few of the other

1) The current state of affairs is that these systems don’t care about their survival. We would have to teach it that first, and define survival within a system of imperfect information. That is non-trivial.

Bill Clinton was known for remembering details of people he met briefly during campaign stops for years afterwards. I’d agree that Obama would at least say he remembered, but would give a chance that he might also actually remember.

Or any of the Hemsworth brothers, for that matter... and as for over 50, it may not be a requirement, but it’s still helpful to some extent. If J.J. Jameson can turn himself into a beast, it’s plausible for anyone else to at least try.

Did what first, the type of game, or hitting 1.9 million concurrent players?

Politics as sportsball fandom, because it’s easier to understand that way.

I’ll chalk it up to odd writing style, then. It looked like, as seems consistent from your other comments, that you’d like to attribute those issues specifically to the left-wing loonies. This is provably false. That you were referring to left-wing loonies as left-wing loonies is not particularly useful. That your

Why bother? We need to craft something so singularly selectively in service of what?

I wonder sometimes how the cultural situation in Japan compares and contrasts to the situation in South Korea, and what the root of the differences are. In some ways, South Koreans are more... fanatic about homogeneity, to the point of surgery to make themselves look more similar, not simply to look more attractive.

After Terrigenesis...

Smart isn’t (entirely) genetic. Survival isn’t (entirely) up to the individual and their actions. Conclusions are therefore still indeterminate... we don’t know if we’ll end up (due to social influences, or a population bottleneck via catastrophes) with Morlocks, Idiocracy, Star Trek, a continued great big melting

This. So much this.

Don’t move your tongue / pretend the front of your tongue no longer exists / is half the length it used to be. Now try.