
That fig leaf covers just enough for you, great.

This... sounds like she was romanticizing indentured servitude?

For the audience that makes it to that point, the next line of faux-reasoning to be fed in is that those people take and keep low paying jobs, keeping wages down, since otherwise those jobs would increase their pay to attract the currently unemployed citizens. That is, that they hold the job prevents the invisible

Different question, who’s going to execute their declaration? Does that mean the gatekeepers at the voting booths can selectively send a person down to town hall to get a notarized document, or refuse to elaborate on what executing a declaration means?

I don’t know if he was shocked by the response. His resignation letter sounds a bit more like he was disappointed in some section of his flock, and an admonition and reminder to them all.

“Boobs. Booobs. Booooooooooooo...”

Thank you for the time invested in actually looking through and refuting this troll, so that others won’t have to.

It’s not an exact match to plagiarizing in all cases, but it’s close. A closer match would be “this is mine/ours now.” As in, Buddhists are not free from having to explain their use of the swastika in at least some contexts. Or Urban Outfitters and other such companies directly profiting off of Native American

Not ownership, context. Things typically have their meanings because of context. That doesn’t mean they can’t gain meaning given different context, or that they’re guaranteed to lose it without it. Santorum. Rick Santorum. Frothy santorum. North Carolina BBQ. Texas BBQ. Korean BBQ. New York style pizza.

No, not exactly as such. Erasure of cultural context and history is its concern. It’s “stealing” in the way that traditional plagiarism, or re-posting/re-uploading without attribution is. So it’s a complicated issue for some.

You can just stop right there, erase the “but” and leave the sentence as is.

Yes... in Batman Returns.

Well that’s unfortunate. Maybe his small screen daughters can break through to him, unlikely though that option may be.

I’m still open to the idea that The Tick is a manifestation of something in Arthur’s psyche, just one that has some independence. Like Cyborg’s version of the Golden Girls.

No, no, DC says they were there first. Hasbro should rename theirs to umm... Bug... Bite?

Sam Jackson doesn’t seem to say no to much, though...

Makes me a little sad for Matt. I wish him luck, though his original intent for the character lacks much weight, which also means he’s got a helluva row to hoe. I mean... even with millienia of historical use, these will still require much explanation for some...