
“You can wordify anything if you just verb it.”

Switch out endorsed for denounced, is it still the same?

That’s... not how logic works. Getting yelled at by some at a rally doesn’t mean that some at that same rally, or at other rallies, wouldn’t support the armband and what it represents. Cherry picking an instigated, specific example to stand for the whole seems to be a common theme in these “rebuttal experiments”...

That low?

What if it was in fact sincere, and she’s a true believer? What if she cannot, in fact, imagine beyond some vague intellectual level of “that must have been bad”, what life was/is like for someone not in her coterie? Like, is she possibly one of those who “don’t see color”?

Did the reporting that Hannity himself had contacts with Russian intelligence during the election cycle get debunked already?

The girls no longer have normal-ish personalities and learn and grow, they are all caricatured. Blossom flips out when Buttercup tests into Advanced math. Buttercup doesn’t miss (many) chances to shut down Bubbles, etc. It’s the Scooby Doo treatment, which, while it works for the Scooby Gang which were never about

That’s live action, though... I do miss the original animated show.

OTOH, Scooby Doo, TMNT, Samurai Jack, Ben 10...

At least until the night begins to shine...

Yay Jackass 2.0!

No worries, this username is intentionally fuzzed, just not for the typical reasons attached to this group of names.

I could have written it more clearly, I suppose... the second sentence could have been bolder. There isn’t any route to justifying political affiliation as a protected class. And yes, I realize that I am, again, putting important things in the second sentence, rather than the first. Hopefully it will be read,

Beats me. Van Jones, for instance, wants to do things like one-on-one sit downs, which sort of works, but is really time and resource consuming, as that needs to persist. Mass deprogramming is difficult, and hasn’t really been approached much... probably the closest is Germany post WW2. Or psyops against the North

Watering cattle, for example.

It’s not a refusal to address them publicly per se, simply that an involved public discussion is unnecessary, and not productive. The traditional press may handle it if it’s important enough, they’ll generally summarize instead of debating.

Small point of observation:

That’s fair, but:

Really? What defines comfortable, then, the ability to buy a house every couple of years? Making more than 70% of the people in your county? How about 50%? 90%?

No, I think he thinks that this demand is analogous to the requirements for diversity by race, or shares some ethical backing with things like bi-partisan commissions. What it misses is that it doesn’t share enough context with either - there’s no historical depression of rights nor relative percentage equivalent,