
Oooo... any idea if it will get to Western markets as Fortune Street or otherwise?

I... kind of don’t want this to happen. I’d rather the Flash stand on its own, and not blur Wonder Woman, for good or bad. But I suppose its not out of character for the DCEU executive strategies, such as they are...

Te ka —> Te Fiti ...

No love for Tamlyn Tomita?

“... for more money, because those hard working lazy bums will work for less than I want to get for a living!”

Never having taught or thought much about how to teach history / civics, this may be impractical, but... maybe the answer is teaching by concepts, not eras? That way it’s more obvious what can be skipped, what is being lost, etc. Dates and people are less interesting than the implications and outcomes...

Agreed. He even pointed back further for the root of some of the problems, echoing some sentiments about how the Republican Party had lost the mantle of fiscal conservatism back in the 80s, reinforcing that loss in the 90s, to simply mouthing the words now. Though some of his remaining policy stances still don’t

My uni’s SCA was better run than this admin.

Swap Democrats and Republicans, and... that statement kinda feels the same, but a couple decades different.

Unless you can’t get in in the first place, like if your name has been stricken from the voter registration list, and you’re waiting to fill out a provisional ballot in the 15 minutes you have left before your lunch break is over.

Maybe the Mooch can trade with this guy?

Didn’t Scaramucci himself imply that Priebus was on the way out, to a reporter just a bit before that?

Incomplete awareness coupled with indoctrination, and a tendency to believe what one hears? I don’t really know, just guessing that centrists tend more towards “things are okay for me, but could be a little better” won’t spend effort on exploring and researching topics, or even think much about anything outside their

If you had said Half the voters instead of Half the population of the US, sure. I’m just trying to deflate some hyperbole, not dissuade your rage.

It’s a good thing the budgeted (and trivially easy to outspend by SuperPACs) money intended to be used to actually educate people about the ACA/Obamacare is now being used for exactly ... well, exactly the opposite.

We now return you to your show, already in progress...

Somewhere between 29% and half, if you want to factor in voter turnout...

These maybe, but #notallofthegroup