
The jobs for which the hard-working economically concerned white folk... didn’t apply, or bother looking for?

Apparently it’s not even party over country, it’s “my guy” over everybody.

Yes indeed!

Totally overshadowed by Mowgli, though.

Is the Right to Birth Control the only thing that may have a religious objection?

It’s not like BD has singing chops, right? /s

Should not, not cannot. There isn’t much to cover this scenario in the US Constitution... maybe in a few years, after sanity retakes Congress and a relevant amendment could be attempted...

I feel like I saw an interview on late night a few years ago (Seth Meyers?) where Aubrey Plaza was talking to the host about seeing a therapist to help her deal with her problems with affect, and having trouble with flat affect in her personal life, and in getting hired for things. Glad to see that she’s moving

Indeed, can’t see Hector in the same light ever again...

Counter-point - mine stabilized somewhat relative to the 10-30% increases per year in cost with 5-10% increase in deductible prior to the ACA. The rate of increase slowed down most dramatically over the course of the past 2-3 years.

I don’t know if it’s a plus, really. The restaurant fired the dude, and didn’t open themselves up to further risk by naming him. The plus would be someone outing him, and letting all future hirings be educated by the waiter’s actions.

Don’t you realize how many jobs were created by making those decisions? I mean, if they hadn’t hired their second cousin to help them decide their on-brand style color choice approved jet, what would that poor darling be doing, but begging for change on the street? And what about the probably millions, maybe, that

Don’t forget bubonic plague! They’re a quite long lasting reservoir for it, apparently.

While I’m not always happy with Baker (pro charter school expansion proposition that failed to pass, frex), it’d be nice to acknowledge that he’s a Republican in this case, for contrast.

That is absolutely some sovereign citizen straw man nonsense right there. Which fits right in with the non sequitur that delivered it up in the first place.

I dunno, guns are relatively expensive toys, and require upkeep if you’re going to keep up with shooting practice at the range.

... or a TurboGrafx Express?

Even assuming he is, there are instinctive actions that bullies take, like this, that are similar to gaslighting and projection. “He did it, too!” “Stop hitting yourself!” “Everybody’s just out to get me, for no reason!”

Even a high schooler... one that’s living with a parent covering room and board, or that’s supporting their parent’s room and board? Or is there no qualifier on that at all?