
Can’t have that Marxist Thomas the Tank Engine corrupting little minds, not the the taxpayer dollar, you betcha! Only private corporation approved charter school indoctrination for the masses that can afford to choose to switch, and decaying decades old textbooks for the masses that can’t!

And Cheney had the decency to follow established protocols and precedents.

As well a simple affirmation, “I am here”.

Pillboi for life!

Maybe the ones that thought of that and could did, leaving the rest behind...

I’ve been training my kids to listen for Greg Cipes across their shows. Tara Strong is much more difficult to identify across her roles...

Contempt, to be enforced by the Executive branch, which no longer recognizes the Judicial branch?

Destruction of public education is an existential level threat to the nation and its principles. At least nearly everything else can be repaired in a generation.   Damage from this one factor would take several.

Maybe little change for now... give it a decade or so after public education is gutted, when those lovelies hit the workforce.

200 people, so ... 0.5%?

... okay with being associated with...

Mako’s protege

Voters, not the country as a whole. This clarification shouldn’t be necessary, but is.

For a subset of potential definitions of death, anyway. I’m unaware of whether or not the fuzzy category of brain-dead always counts for mystic energies.

So long as they aren’t also installed as a suppository...

What’s the timeframe for those to start showing up? Will there be someone else to blame around then for the problem?

Their military strength supposedly can’t be projected as well as ours... except our air strength isn’t quite up to date anymore (see F-35 article on Gizmodo - current air strength is waning in its relative superiority). I mean, it’s not like its as bad as trying to start a land war in Asia, but it’s not quite the

The Spirits Within?