Many parents on Jez drink beer. I bet they’d be surprised to realize that makes them shitty parents.
Many parents on Jez drink beer. I bet they’d be surprised to realize that makes them shitty parents.
i think they’re equally stupid. gary johnson’s just not as outwardly mean-spirited as trump.
Jennifer Aniston is half Greek. (Look for pictures of her with her original nose.) Being half Greek myself, I am well aware of the astonishing durability of grudges in that particular culture. (I believe this to be a common feature of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures, but Greeks really elevate it to an art…
Ooh, like yellow journalism! I get it! Clever. ;)
Can we get Marla Maples to join Real Housewives, nothing stays discrete on that show for long.
that’s mean and i feel the same
And for their kids. I’m sure that if she puts one toe out of line, Tiffany’ll suffer consequences too.
Maybe because she’s trigger happy and incompetent, too.
I don’t want to defend this officer in any way, but it sure is surprising the swiftness with which this action has been taken, how quick the condemnation and disavowels came from her own force. Wonder if her being a woman has anything to do with it. The thin blue (male) line.
Nothing about this man has ever suggested sexual charisma. I don’t understand white women tbh.
Did anybody else read the headline and think to self “That sounds exactly like something Hugh Grant would say” …?
Agreed all around! Teachers are supposed to honor the asymmetrical relationship and be respectful of our students.
Sorry, this teacher isn’t cool and this topic isn’t funny. I’ve taught college for 15 years, and I wouldn’t say this to 18 year olds, much less 10th graders. You’re in an immense position of power as a teacher. It’s really important not to mock your students. I had one teacher in HS who consistently made fun of…
I have to assume this comes from information she gleaned from the Wambach’s book, too. Not that Terry Gross is unimpeachable, but to me it sounded like a leading question to get Wambach to talk about some of the early-life experiences she’s already written about.
I’m straight, but I’d still like to play goalie for the Gold Star Lesbians.
Wambach did the interview as part of the press tour for her autobiography. I’m guessing that Gross used information disclosed in the book. I haven’t read it, I could be wrong.
She offended Gene Simmons to the point that he walked out of the interview. Gene Simmons. KISS’ Gene Simmons.
I think it’s a fair question to ask. Not all of us lesbians are gold star lesbians. I can only speak from me and my circle’s experiences but for a lot of us, that relationship with a male (no matter how far it progresses) is part of the process of knowing and understanding what feels right or realising who you are.…
I mean it’s Terry Gross. She’s basically a radio Freudian so she’s going to ask you all about your formative years and your sex life.