
Exogenous lipoid pneumonia occurs when a fatty substance is inhaled or aspirated. Once in the lungs, the substance causes an inflammatory reaction and/or blockage of the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli. In cases of non-solid blockage, the lungs may be “washed” to try to get some of the material out. This lavage is

No, Esther, we can’t stop the panic. Whilst you think you’re oh-so-cool with your oh-so-trendy Juul (a product designed and specifically marketed at teenagers and young adults, my dear), you’re ignoring the simple fact that no one - no one knows what the long-term effects of vaping are. Whilst you may be happy to

Esther, you are completely wrong here. As a father of three kids in High School who watches over 50% of his kids’ classmates vape—most of whom have never tried a single traditional cigarette—I believe the panic is both necessary and well-placed.

As a reminder, Esther Wang once wrote and published an entire article interviewing a vape shop owner, actively promoting vaping.

WTF is wrong with Jezebel?!!!! Go vape yourself into the ICU if you want -- that’s your choice, but stop promoting a habit with proven negative health consequences. Are you guys getting ad dollars for this or what?

The solution to a health panic is a carefully researched piece that includes several expert opinions and a look at the numbers of death, addiction, and harm reduction.  This is lazy and stupid and you should honestly be ashamed of publishing it.  Is this really what you want to contribute, to the world and to this

I only see one fucking idiot, and it’s you.

Vapingc was designed from the outset to get young people hooked on nicotine.The ‘helps smokers quit’ thing was nothing but a trojan horse.

The continual pro-vaping articles on this site make it look childish and unprofessional. Reconsider if you want to be taken seriously.

Edited for clarity: I don’t know, but it (i.e., helping adults quit smoking) sure as hell shouldn’t be done with a product that has undone generational inroads on teen tobacco cessation.

This is a monstrous take. Wow, like it really sucks for you that getting your coconut cigarette juice is going to be slightly harder. Meanwhile massive corporations are marketing the hell out of this shit to my teenager, exactly the way cigarettes were marketed to teenagers for years. Vaping is big tobacco in a

Supporting the side hustle of evil tobacco companies is, like, so cool. Keep on vaping and fucking up your blood pressure and heart, kids! /s

I am on the verge of tears DAILY. How is this becoming the new normal? I’m just at an utter loss.

Gerald Ford likely lost an election because Chevy Chase was falling all over himself, imitating him on SNL every week, giving him a somewhat undeserved rep as a nitwit.

This is exactly how you engender even more negative coverage.

Jared Kushner looks like the perfect, caring fiancé in a L&O SVU episode who is later revealed to have been kidnapping all those brunettes and dressing them up in his late mother’s clothes.

This fuckwad needs his career over, and this needs to happen years ago.

That’s what is dawning on me in all this. These agencies are embracing their new edicts because they get to do “their thing”. That scares the hell out of me.

Awww come on throw the man a bone

Dick Cheney was evil but competent and qualified.