
"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."

You're right, they are halfway decent tips, as long as you're not trying to have sex with a woman.

This was horrible. I mean these fans were having a good time minding their own business, when all of a sudden a bunch of strangers barge in invading their space, trying to force their beliefs on them, calling them names and leaving the fans feeling totally denigrated and completely attacked.... wait...

So, who is going to be the brave lawmaker to propose an change to the proposed law granting an exemption to members of Congress? Or are they just going to rely on the traditional workarounds of selective enforcement and blaming a staffer if all else fails?

Nobody would care if sea horses got aborted BECAUSE THE DAD WOULD BE DOING IT.

It doesn't matter, don't you know that the gender of your current partner clearly defines you as either gay or straight? Who cares about what you say your sexual orientation is, everyone can clearly look at your relationship and decide for you.

On Bisexual Visibility Day, we find that bisexual youth are pretty damn invisible, and the results are disastrous for their mental and physical health.

I thought the third boob only had a tattoo of a nipple. .. why is it pointy?

I thought she claimed the surgeons weren't able to create her a third nipple? So she had one tattooed on…

the next black political superstar

man i think i just had a billion orgasms at the thought of sending a dude to jail for telling me to smile yassssssssssss

Needs more otter.


I will fully support this if it means we can merge Christmas and Halloween into 1 super spooky 4 month long costume wearing, gift giving bonanza.

Gawker promised that images like this would be hidden in the greys.

He appears to have raised five great kids, so yeah, he had something to offer the world and his death is still a loss.

As a Kurd from Northern Iraq, id like to express my thanks and respect to the United States, its army and its people. the help we received has been invaluable and much appreciated. I wish all the success and well being to all your troops fighting in other parts of the world and their families. may your lost ones find

Are we really going with the word "racist" to describe dating preferences or attraction? Clearly in many cases these preferences are the result of historical and contemporary attitudes towards men and women of different races and ethnicities. That's an important discussion to have. But I'm so uncomfortable with the

If your BAC reads like an area code, you're gonna have a bad time.