
I would never urge anyone to go to Breitbart but for those who have the stomach for it, the meltdown there is epic! And there are also people there trolling them and making it even better, lol! Tomorrow, the Nazis will realize that Trump is their final hope for a Final Solution and get back on board the Trump train to

I’m thinking any platform that hosts (and fails to deal with) white supremacists deserve to have high profile members delete their accounts and as a result publicly remove their endorsement. Pretty sure there would be an actual focus by these companies (FB, Twitter) to stop allowing hatred to organize and proliferate

Meanwhile, no arrests for the guys that beat up Deandre Harris with sticks and poles. And Harris’ name, and his assault are rarely mentioned in articles covering Charlottesville.

Donny boy thought it would be a jolly jape to run for the highest office, lose, and get another book deal with the by line “Donald Trump Former Presidential Candidate) out of it. Then he won.

Now everything he touches turns to shit before his very eyes; almost like Midas, but you know with shit instead of gold...so


...floating in a jar of formaldehyde.

It’s a sad day when the police are protecting this clown better than they protected Heather Heyer and the many counterprotesters who were injured.

Leave Ron Johnson alone. His comments may have been affected by the fact that he’s quite stupid and that might have factored in.

It’s not just fucked for the patient, it’s another way to abuse the cnas. Now that corporate knows that no one is suing for bedsores or not feeding the patient it means they can load more patients on the cnas.

Why wouldn’t he do this, it fits two of his most important criteria perfectly.

This is a good read about the family values Flake has managed to instill in his son.

Pretty sure the group I started devoted to eating pie at village inn that was the brain child of a late night munchies discussion on a message board in the late 90's was better run than this administration, and we had a lot of infighting for a group that was really just a bunch of ravers getting together to eat pie

Wait a sec. Everything is fine. There’s no chaos in the White House:

So I’ve been pondering this for a while; the far-left is increasingly incensed at Democrats for being moderate-center, or not left enough, or trying to reach across to non-crazy Republicans. The belief seems to be that the reason Democrats are losing votes/power is because voters are sick of them being

We have to begin to understand and acknowledge the reality that some people have different opinions than us and we can either demonize them, or try to truly understand them, so that we can get together to make whatever concessions we need to balance this out. Otherwise, this fucking ping pong match will keep going on

What a load of shit. You need to get your head out of your ass. People with your attitude would doom the Democrats to even more losses. Thank god you are not an elected official.


This is not a good take. He’s trying to paint Republicans into a corner with this line. If they don’t come to the table and try to repair ACA, they look unreasonable and it gives Dems even more campaign fodder than just the votes of the last week. They get to be the adults in the room and Republicans will be the ones

Bipartisan laws are less likely to be attack with malice and desperation though. I’d rather a replacement have votes on both sides occur then keep the ACA. Otherwise the ACA will remain a festering wound in Republican pride and continue to the the target of their agendas.

Does it matter? Regardless of whatever bipartisanship hot air Schumer spouts off, he helped keep a unified Democratic opposition against the bill, and even got a couple Republican split-off votes. I personally don’t care much for stale talk of bipartisanship, but the results regardless are good.