got dammit just when I think i’m gonna be an ice queen who won’t have kids, one of these little idiots does something crazy like this and it’s like, why wouldn’t I want this constant source of entertainment??
got dammit just when I think i’m gonna be an ice queen who won’t have kids, one of these little idiots does something crazy like this and it’s like, why wouldn’t I want this constant source of entertainment??
I’m saying, what if they remove Titans/Hunters/Warlocks and just add a totally new set of classes, sort of like the Diablo to Diablo II transition? I don’t know that they’ll do this for sure, but I know they were at least thinking about it.
New subclasses? Definitely I’d want my old character. Totally new classes? Maybe.
Prison conditions and overly harsh sentencing are one of the places I think you can actually put a good percentage of the blame on the general public-- especially voters.
If prisoners have the exact same rights as citizens, then why are we wasting money keeping them in prison in the first place?
Pretty fucking bad, though there are also probably other labor issues at hand, mainly understaffing. I’ve been trying to find out who the guards are represented by (usually it’s AFSCME), but my google fu is off today.
“and the warden and a guard were stabbed during a riot in March.”
Is Alabama one of those states that still has chain gangs? Cause if that’s the case pretty damned fucked up.
Whatever crime they committed, the overwhelming majority will re-enter society some day. Do you think emphasizing punishment via dehumanization is what will turn prisoners into productive citizens ready to contribute to society and avoid victimizing again? Or does reintegration into society take a back seat to…
You know, I used to be a fucking moron and believe that prison inmates deserved what they got. I was, like, 12 at the time.
If the goal of prison is simply to punish people as harshly as possible than we are doing a bang-up job.
Okay, sure, but what about the ones who are in prison for a possession charge? Or the falsely accused?
being pulled over and being handled ice cream would ruin my day. wtf am i supposed to do with ice cream in a car? it would get everywhere. not fun at all
Well said.
That well known human Marijuana...
Probably Dickensian level bad.
How much better could our society be if we treated prisoners not only like human beings but actually like citizens? We expect them to serve their time and then rejoin society, but we completely dehumanize them the entire time they’re in prison. What purpose does that serve?
Forget videos of officers playing a game of basketball with “city youths” or pretending to pull black people over but handing them ice cream, this is how you build community trust and put skin in the game.
How fucked up does a prison have to be in Alabama that the guards give a shit about the inmates?