
I’d rather see a woman nursing (including possible seeing OMGSH! her nipple!) than hear a crying baby. Why is this STILL going on?

He’s a violent asshole. But he’s a famous violent asshole that millions of women love and the men who don’t want to fuck him, want to be him. Or at least they did before he became a bloated mess. And unfortunately we live in a world where guys get a pass for marrying young women only for their looks, but it’s frowned

When your immediate take on a situation is “she’s a liar; she leaked the tape” and not “holy shit he’s a violent drunken asshole,” that’s what I mean by giving him a pass.

That video is frightening. I don’t care what claims of “editing” someone might make. It might be a 80 second clip but it’s enough on its own without further context. The way she’s filming and how she's talking screams of someone in an abusive relationship who knows she's going to need proof. Yet people will still

I couldn’t care less if she leaked it. Who gives a shit?! His behaviour, on the other hand, is really scary.

I think she is allegedly not showing up on time due to confusing and contradictory instructions from Depp’s legal team, in a further effort to smear her as uncooperative.

Yes, the most important thing is whether she leaked the video, not the pattern of behavior the video displays. I wish I was a famous, rich, and attractive (to many) man, imagine what I could get away with!!

On this very site, people were very loudly insisting that yelling and throwing things during a fight are not in any way abusive behavior. So, I can’t imagine what other sites comment sections are like.

Well, but honestly, so what?

I was just reading some comments about the Depp/Heard story on other sites and I’ve concluded that a video could emerge of Johnny Depp repeatedly punching Amber Heard in the face, and the internet would still declare her to be a gold digger who deserved it.

So fucking depressing.

For releasing of filming for court, etc., it depends on where she taped it.

Congratulations! I am pregnant with my second! Welcome to the phase of your life when you will always click on articles that you know you shouldn’t! What is this horrible compulsion?!?!

What’s the URL? Earning power is pretty low in Tonga. Let’s help him out.

This is actually a serious issue. The Dems have gone pretty damn far left in an attempt to pulling Bernie supporters (which has largely worked, between 73 and 90% support Hillary now depending on what polls you look at). But what a lot of the diehard ultra left seem to not realize is the message the Dems would have

The “well she’s better than Trump” brush off boils my blood. To be clear, I’ll take it all the way to the White House, but fuck you for completely ignoring and/or discrediting her entire life’s work. What the fuck have you done, bro?

I really didn’t think I’d feel energized heading into November. The RNC was yes, a dumpster fire (a yuuge one at that), but I was a little concerned that the Dems would have trouble coming out from all the negativity. I love being wrong, sometimes.

They would have melded into one person eventually.

The best part of that Chuck Norris article: “An allergic reaction to food was ruled out because he’d only eaten cheese and beef jerky throughout the day.”

going from midlife crisis’d, drunk bloat’d, coke sweat’d dad rock fading actor’d dipshit to a benevolent space dictator?