
I’m kind of distressed that stars who are my age are looking like hotter versions of someone’s parents. Of course the vast majority of my friends are someone’s parents. And I’m doing auntie car pool duty two days this week because my best friend is sick.

This is still my favorite:

I will have to update my meme!

That’s a really unflattering picture of Mr. Dixon. Here, let me help:

It’s America. He probably had a gun he bought legally, as is his constitutional right. He wasn’t pointing a gun at anyone and he was shot in the back, so having a gun isn’t really the issue.

What!? How is this possible.

So Louisiana is both an open and concealed carry state, and yet this man is shot solely on the basis that he is carrying a gun?!?! And the NRA keeps telling us that arming ourselves makes us safer?!? Oh, right, black. Sigh.

And both their body cams “fell off.” The rage and grief are indescribable this morning.

They need to make a PSA so AHoles don’t blast their music on the train. We all don’t want to hear your jams.

She was kind. I honestly wanted her to rip that person a new one. How dare they think it’s ok to contact someone over their appearance and they seem so personally aggrieved like their day is a little worse because of someone's fashion choice. It’s like the person that tells you to smile like you owe it to them. And

You want to know what broadcasters want to say when criticized by viewers or listeners? “I don’t call you at work to tell you how to flip the burgers, honey.” A meteorologist has studied long and hard for that degree - and having to meet all sorts of appearance expectations from television producers is a pain in the

I do not buy the whole idea that when parents proudly make awful decisions that lead to their children’s deaths (like leaving loaded guns lying around, failing to get the child proper medical attention, etc.) the death should be the parents’ punishment. These parents neglected their child to the point that he died,

That’s why I pack all kinds of random shit under there, I tell everyone that it’s because I’m a slob, but really it’s so nobody can fit in there.

As a child, I never dared to look under my bed because I was afraid I would see someone stare back into my eyes. As an adult, I still don’t dare.

At this point I’m really hoping Scotland votes again to GTFO and then the EU fast tracks them back in.

Anything that lets the Scots screw over the British is cool in my book.

I can't really laugh at the stupidity of these. I'm British, so we lost the right to call anything else dumb today. Or ever again. Because we are completely fucked.

This bothers me. She controls her brand and her business and people seem to have a problem with that. If her team controlled the breakup message then who the fuck cares? How could Calvin Harris have a problem with “it’s all good, we’re done”? He sounds like a bitter asshole.

Just curious though, why should she want to show the “flaws” though in a world where people are so willing to tear her down at just the vague perception of a possible flaw. . Why should she be easy for you to relate to? Or more importantly how can she be? Do all your dating mistakes end up world wide news & talked

Women in control of their shit are always going to be vilified. Young, old, it doesn’t seem to matter...men can use and abuse any number of women in rapid succession but seem to cry the loudest when the script is flipped.

It’s so strange that the popular narrative is so intent on making this woman into a villain. She’s makes perfectly innocuous music that a lot of people seem to dig and she’s not an obnoxious creep about her success. Where is there a problem that necessitates this?