
I was in Indianapolis for work (got to see Ted Cruz suspend his campaign hollaaaaa) and I have to say that it is the most aggressively bland city I have ever been to. I still can’t form an opinion about it to this day. Their motto should be “Indianapolis: We’re here.”

Former NCAA diver here (Division 3, no less; yeah, that’s TWO whole divisions more than D1. I know. Pretend to be less impressed, please, otherwise we’ll both be embarrassed).
Divers practice their jump on the board over and over again, because it is actually the most crucial part of every dive. If you mistime the

I’ve never been more excited to be wrong.

I wanted you to be the first to know that I have purchased Gawker with my money and we will now exclusively publish incoherent ramblings about celebs, tech celebs, teens, tots, potato farmers, athletes, extreme athletes, desktop computers, shoes, and Poppe Culture, a senile former miner from Kentucky who got himself

Paul Bettany fucking sucks at diving, but he was good as the Robot Boy in Avengers 2: the Avengening.

We understand that, which is why we refer to Draft Day as “Lions Super Bowl”. It’s our time to shine!

This team is so shitty, the fans can taste it from the parking lot

I saw Clemmons leaving a Burger King drive thru in Tampa once. He stopped his car in the intersection outside about 50 yards from the from the front of the restaurant, got out, and hurled and unwrapped double Whooper hard enough to stick to the front-facing window for around 10 seconds before sliding down leaving a

“Many people are telling me they agree with my #nuclearoption. Losers clearly don’t support @TeamUSA. Sad!”

I have been waiting for months for this game. What does this say about our nation as a whole? Honestly, I try to stay out of politics as you all know but this is enough. I am tired of the innuendo and the behaviors of the nfl elites that run the nfl. We must fire Goodell and hire Jane Goodall as commissioner. Only way

IPC officials became suspicious when they saw a Russian athlete had a big leg up in the wheelchair race.

And Iran

There’s a level on which my favorite part of this is the official press release containing the sentence “We are not screwing around, Philly.”

Here you go.

Like King Arthur? The Once and Future Coach?

He will be back someday.

I don’t what the problem is with that

Plot twist: but the wish was to be told off by a major leaguer.

Unverified fact: the kid’s Make-A-Wish wish was front row tickets to a Giants game.

These kids with their silver spoons. The Votto family didn’t even own a spoon! When they ran out of food they ate little rocks and grass. Piece of shit millenial-spawned entitled one-percenter. Fuck this elitist 8 year old.