
January 5, 1992. 38-6 over the Cowboys.

Hey I’m 5'11 and 3/4, for realz!

No it isn’t.

I mean, that’s why we ran video of him talking.

Bottles! Fortunately, “Jolly Green Giant ejaculate” ages well. (Actually, I’ve been there when they were out of it before, so I don’t think it’s too old.) I’m no BLL apologist, by the way; I noticed it in the cooler the first time I was there and was like “Is that...Bud Light Lime?” and then felt like I had to order

Good for Ciara. Now she’ll replace her robotic vibrator with a vibrating robot.

Right? He put so much care and concern into how much the north looked out for itself for the last thousand years, primarily because of the Starks leadership, and all that history goes out the door overnight?

Seems like there are lots of theories this season that seem to hinge on explaining why these characters are making such stupid/illogical decisions when it could all just be because the writing has taken a dive without having the books to fall back on.

... I had majored in Ancient History.

I used to tell people that my B.A. is in B.S.

Actually, the other ones are usually BA.

I got a math degree because the humanities kids had a million papers to write and the science kids had 8 hours of labs a week. I tell people my degree was because I really love math, or because I wanted to have a wide variety of options if I chose to go to grad school, but the honest to God reason was because I didn’t

Really should consider changing the title to “Liberal Arts Majors Are Bullshit”.

Those weirdos, like myself, that have a hard time finding 40x36 pants, 40x12 shorts, 2xl tall shits, 18.5 38-39 dress shirts, etc., in the store. The ability to buy multiple sizes, with free next day delivery, and very easy return policies make it a breeze for me to do my shopping.

Those weirdos, like myself, that have a hard time finding 40x36 pants, 40x12 shorts, 2xl tall shits, 18.5 38-39

I notice that no DURRRR ANSWER THE CALL OF DUTY DURRR right winger ever seems to care that George W Bush dodged the draft. HE’S A LEADER.

“I ain’t got nothing against them Vietcong,” Ali famously said at the time. “Them Vietcong” killed 58,000 of his fellow Americans — black and white, young and old, rich and poor — while Ali was helping give them a reason to fight on.

Well if we don’t blame Ali we might have to take a long, hard look at our own actions as a country, and that would be icky. We might have to acknowledge that Woodrow Wilson only thought that self determination for small countries only applied when white people lived there, and basically told Ho Chi Minh to fuck off

Opposition to war is always the reason people die in wars.

Who wants to sex Biyombo?

Didn’t we already cover dick pics?