
He's got a fine, upstanding twin in the upside down who wears a goatee.

His punishment should be season tickets and mandatory attendance.

I think you’re missing the point. Dabo’s take is, in it’s essence, ‘I understand you’re mad about something, but why do I have to know about it? Also, this thing you’re mad about, it’s really NBD if you ask me.”

Yeah, look at Prnce! He’s a stupid bigot!

You might want to explore the mysteries of indoor plumbing before trying to tackle radar.


Hey ladiez!

You are also a deplorable jackass.

They take exception to the fact that being racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, etc makes you deplorable.

Not half. All.

Skyline chili

Suit is good.

Kaep’s haircut is awesome.

Maybe he doesn't like shitty Bluetooth audio. Because Bluetooth sucks ass.

Looks like a typical Cleveland hipster , which is a thing that only came into existence when RGIII went with the man bun look.

There needs to be severe penalties for intentional helmet to helmet contact like we saw over and over again Thursday. Without a severe penalty, you’re just incentivizing defense to go after QB heads in order to try to get them pulled from the game under concussion protocols. Perhaps Denver wasn't trying to hurt him,

A doff of my cap to AJ. He helped Chicago win one of its two World Series championships in the past 100 years.

They reproduce. Fast. Fuckers.

Cayenne pepper is a pretty effective weapon against critters. Neighbor’s sprinkle it on their Halloween pumpkins to keep the squirrels at bay.