If Obama were interested in protecting ‘Merica, he would launch an invasion immediately!! Bunch of islamofacist terrorist refugees in Hawai’i. The apostrophe proves it!
If Obama were interested in protecting ‘Merica, he would launch an invasion immediately!! Bunch of islamofacist terrorist refugees in Hawai’i. The apostrophe proves it!
He bought it, whatever it is, at Walmart, because his wife won't let him shop elsewhere.
Isn’t it obvious?
Chosen’s middle name is “One”.
Definitely a donut, granola boy
Go shit in your mouth!
4-11 to 6-9?
Too soon.
Just like George Bush and Ronald Reagan, then?
I think it's made with peas instead of avocado.
Then we found out another coworker ate there on the regular.
We once convinced a coworker to eat some taquitos from 7-11. A few hours later, he spent an hour in the bathroom.
Shit, no w he has to rewrite 30 pages. Thanks for the spoiler!!
I actually have a theory that seems no less valid than Marchman’s.
Nah, he’s got pages.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but HBO has a long history of NOT finishing things. Carnivale, Deadwood, Rome just to name a few where HBO burned a lot of fans.
Best 2-loss team ever?!
Sexy Ben Carson calendar. You only get December if he wins in November.
Rick felt a stirring in his pants unlike any he's felt since Rodman retired, and this frightened him.