
Je suis Paris

Thank you!

My dog has been trying to bust a nut on my leg all week.

Cocaine and canine hookers

Good advice. I have opening night tickets.

This guy should get the banhammer

What happened to foodspin?

+100000000000 pukits

I see the Braves are implementing the San Francisco 49ers model.

God, I hope they spend hundreds of millions and LOSE.


Do the uniforms in the gif look pretty much the same or totally different?

shhhh....don't tell him.

C’mon. Give Nike a break here. It's the Bills vs the Jets. Nike probably figured they were doing colorblind fans of both teams a favor.

Hey! Jeremy said he was young and needed the money!


Fuck trigger warnings. You do not have the right not to be offended or icked out.

With all do respect, Jolie. And please note you are the best.

Step 1. Drag garbage can over by coffee maker.

I can name one: