
You convinced me. Go Slugs!

So did 3 Floyds make an extra batch of Dark Lord (which, I believe, IS made with Dark Matter coffee) and repackage it as ‘Wig Splitter’ just for GABF?

That was delightfully incoherent

I’ll also start a kickstarter for pitchforks and torches.

I'm in for $100.

Nice picture

You think that’s gross, you should see what these fuckers put on top of their jalapeño bacon mac.

The secret ingredient in UConn’s bacon jalapeño Mac n cheese is jizz.

That's fucking disturbing

So, what was it supposed to be?

That actually looks kind of awesome for a stupid tattoo.


Could be worse.

Tell me... Why did you get these tattoos?

This is the best comment.

You’ve convinced me.


There must have been a ton of alcohol and tears involved.

Ahhh, but there weren’t massive drunken mobs of 20-something Wrigleyville and Schaumburg douche-bros in Oakland, were there?

Actually, i just realized the flaw in my logic. You are right. A Yankee fan rooting for the Cardinals would be an unbearable new level of douchieness.