
This is incorrect. It’s worse to be a Yankees fan. It’s always worse to be a Yankees fan. This is such a well established fact that it’s just assumed that you’re a douche if you root for the Yankees. Same thing with Notre Dame, Duke, and Cowboys fans.

I didn’t read the article. Don’t care about Bill.


This makes me feel bad for Mark Davis.


I will NOT root for the Mets.

Thank you.

Do you use new towels every time you shower as well?

You are perfectly normal. For a crazy person.

My sister asked me to buy her Zima (yes, I’m old) once. I laughed. She became very embarrassed, ran out of my room and never asked again.

You’re right.

I think Browns fans need an intervention. It's only football. Not worth killing yourselves.

Who’s the worse quarterback? Jimmy Clausen’s or Erik Kramer?

You sure about that? Looks like the Rams are still burning to me.


Kinda looks like Tom Cruise

Say what?

World league isn’t comparable to a real minor league.

Whoa now, I’m a Bears fan. I also have faith in Jimmy Clausen’s ability to never get the team past the 50 yard line.

Have a beer and a whiskey on me, Johnny.