
TED talks. You gather enough people who want you to be right in the same room and then tell them you’re right and that they’re smart for recognizing it and there you go. Don’t underestimate the ego of C-level executives and how easy it is to fool them by playing to that ego. Hinkie’s ramblings read as more of a

Agreed, and so sayeth the almight HamNo!

I am a writer and artist. I have also worked as a freelance journalist. And I don’t have kids because I can’t afford them. I don’t have either the time or the money. I just see the writer of this piece as being someone who was able to toss the load — both financial and emotional — of raising his children onto other

idk; personally, i dont think the article was that well written.

Don’t forget “between my daughter’s mother and I.”

Yeah, I didn’t want to say it because I don’t like to be mean. But he’s... not a very good writer.

You’re a professional writer and you think the phrase is, “on the lamb?”

So the first time you actually have a parent of color write a parenting article for jez and you choose a black man who won’t pay child support.

As a mom who landed in a shelter, this is an interesting perspective. However, he must know being a professional writer does not preclude him from applying for city jobs. You can still write for Time magazine while working for sanitation. You can still blog while working for the post office.

You don’t need a gym membership to exercise.

Get a real fucking job. Better yet, get two! You have the time because your kids don’t live with you!. You are a grown ass man, and the fact that you call yourself a writer does not excuse you from being responsible for the lives you created.