
Would the internet be what it was today if Congress hadn't specifically deregulated the internet and not designated the internet a Title II in 1996? It's not just a coincidence that was the year the internet really started to take off. The government is using the specter of fast lanes, which no one can say has really

As you should. Follow this instinct. If the public only knew what dealing with the FCC was like, they would never, even with a gun to their collective heads, agree to this.

In the aftermath of SOPA, PIPA, and the other various no name laws that have been pushed lately, I'm hesitant to support ANY law pertaining to regulation of internet and/or providers. My gut instinct is that if any regulatory organization gets their hands on the web, they won't stop at regulating just the

It is never about what they propose now.

Title II Could Mean More Taxes and Surcharges. The author does mention providing "access to under-served areas." Well, who is going to pay for that? You...Regulatory Recovery Fee, Universal Connectivity Charge (or Federal Universal Service Fund), Federal Excise Tax, State and Local Sales Tax, Gross Receipts Taxes;

I suggest a follow up to this column would be to watch reruns of The Cosby Show and analyze telltale signs from his interaction with his family and his wife's friends. It sure would beat the hilarity of wondering what sweater he'd be wearing.

I was working at his publishing house when these came through. His editor is actually really great, but Cosby would bully him (and his assistant, who became my husband, who became my ex-husband), and the editor was told by HIS bosses that he had to suck it up. It was Cosby. Nobody was going to cross him. He was

Hmmm- the pizza orders apparently came from Canadian phone numbers. Your profile name references early-'90s Ottawa rap group "Organized Rhyme."

Oh gosh, silly me

And how many fucks do we give about what his lot think? ZIP

Someone broke Megyn Kelly and I'm loving every. fucking. second.

"Save your protest energy for more important matters, like wet towels on the bed."

I'm not sure if it was supposed to "redeem" him a bit in our eyes. I think that it was just another way of showing that no one person is truly evil or good. Serial killers can be loving fathers, cops can be raging misogynists, etc.

That silk robe she has in season 2 — I've never been a robe person, really, but I would wear that robe for all of the times.

The Fall is better than Games of Thrones.

The bit I replayed was when she's surrounded by that group of thugs near the Brawley house and she just makes the tiiiniest lunge towards the Head Thug ... and he reels back in disbelief. I had to watch that over and over.

So does Law & Order: SVU. The Fall is significantly better.

where to you draw the line between accommodating someone's faith and interfering with a flight crew

Dear men of the world,