
I choose to interpret it as a sign of feminist alliance, miming a castration gesture in solidarity with rape survivors: a gesture that signals the importance of punishing offenders and standing up for victims. Or, they could just be happy as fuck that they beat the shit out FSU's felonious morons, thiefs & rapists.

I'm okay with this

It looks like the other guy, Emosi whatever-his-name-is, is an actual person in Fiji, who runs mensrightsfiji.com, which I have not visited, because I'm not really interested in killing off my own brain cells. When you look at his Google+ page, it would appear based on some of the comments that his wife kicked him out

If you get mad, then he's won. I can't take anyone seriously who would use a phrase like this:

She is my new superhero.

Here's my right.

Fuck this fucking fucker.

Oh, please. Like your useless jabbering about football and cars is the zenith of intellectual sophistication.

Historical side note: The last, tie breaking vote to pass the 19th amendment and allow women to vote was cast by Harry Burn who changed his vote at the urging of his mother. 35 states had ratified, but 36 were necessary and of the remaining states only Tennessee would agree to even take a vote- so it was crucial that

Seriously - after my 3rd time through, I shared on Facebook, and I NEVER do that.

I just watched the clip. Fucking awesome. Way to go, Cher. I love that she doesn't want to distract from the issue at hand and basically says, "Look, I know that I'm from Hollywood, but I'm also an American." Damn straight.

Guys I just watched it for like the sixth time.

"Let ya momma talk."

You could actually see them turn into eight-year-old boys over the course of the segment. So good.

Yup. I knew at the time, as a viewer. I has to explain why I almost passed out laughing to my wife.

I believe it. The thing about 30 Rock is a lot of the jokes have an absurd number of layers, and the show's never been shy about sacred cows. Few sitcoms would have the balls to make their main character racist, let alone make it a running joke.

Did you just compare cops who shoot unarmed people (or just enable it) to rape victims? Fuck you.

My favorite part of this thread are the fuckheads coming out of the woodwork to defend J. Roorda, a man twice fired for abuse of power, a man who oversees a police union with rampant Klan activity, and one third of the triumvirate of power that allowed this clusterfuck of justice to play out, even as the entire world

Roorda was a dirty cop who was caught falsifying a report. He got a slap on the wrist when he shoulda been sent to jail for that. Anything he says is automatic bs. Go cry to your fellow dirty cops, Roorda. A decent cop doesn't give a shit about some football players putting their hands up.

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.