
Top two are both “fine.” Beto is a con-job/joke at this point.

Consumer activity has a nominal effect on global climate. It’s industrial pollution that is killing us.

These are great tips for people that have never flown before.


Name those states and provide evidence of that spurious claim, please.

Nah, fuck the Hague. In a just world she’d be in front of the DC Circuit in federal court answering for her crimes.

A boy can dream!

We exist and are legion. There are dozens of us. DOZENS.

Notice that you didn’t say, good, or competitive or anything like that.

You are welcome to fuck off, anytime.

Actually, the Stan Lee thing he said was on point. The man made cartoons, not a polio vaccine.

Yup. Everything not explicitly thought up by the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation was originally the idea of the Nazis.

I’m sorry, but the Nazis did not invent Keynesian economics, as much as you wish it was true.

Literally none of what you said is true. But you did try.  So there is that. 

So glad you were greyed.

I can’t wait to tell Ezra this when I see him, In the Blood.

I guess Netflix wants to tap into that hotep demo. 

What could your wife possibly instruct at a military academy? Tampon insertion and removal? Asking for directions if you get lost? How to get flustered and get a man to do something complicated?

I’m sure this “championship” will make up for that Super Bowl choke. They’re totally in parity as to fan interest and desires.

There is something missing from this story. Any attorney worth half a penny wouldn’t move somewhere and not be licensed to practice in their new state, unless they didn’t plan on practicing in their new state.