
John Lewis also blatantly lied about Bernie Sanders all of 2016.  Quit holding him up as some paragon of virtue.  He’s just a hack at this point. 

It’s legitimately amazing in a depressing way, how almost of all of the comments here are totally missing the point and reinforcing what these non-voters are saying.

Actually, being a “grownup” means I get to do what I want or what I don’t want.

Good.  Fuck off if this place isn’t to your liking. 

Those guys are political hacks masquerading as judges.  They’ll go along. That’s why they were installed. 

Serious question, is it so wrong to vote on election day? I live in a big city and my polling place is one block away, on my side of the street. For me it really doesn’t get any easier. Is that bad?

Exactly. Two of my great-uncles were with Patton’s army in France and Germany as interpreters, since our family is of German (Jewish) heritage. I would say they, and many others like them, were even more motivated to go back and kill some Germans to cleanse Europe of the Nazis because of our heritage, not in spite of

No it isn’t.  It’s a German name.  Not every name with a precious metal or German sounding base is Jewish. 

Nope. This is the Nazi exception. I don’t care how old you are, if you’re in Nazi garb, it is open season to say anything you want.

High level football coaching is maybe the most incestuous business in this country. These guys all know each other and have worked together on various staffs as assistants, so I’m always enthralled by real coach beefs, like Harbaugh and Schwartz, or Harbaugh and Carrol, or Harbaugh and Belichick.

Soros really went all out on this false flag operation. He got a patsy and a gussied up van everything! He spared no expense.

As a native son of the Sunshine State, goddamit! Why did it have to be one of us? Not surprised though.

Here’s the tone, Kirk is not only bad at his job but he’s a terrible human being to boot.  Just because he’s mentally ill doesn’t undo those two facts.  

I think you misunderstand me. The second whomever “they” are rigged the primary system for Hillary and her nomination was a fait accompli, a Republican was going to win the election.

Alternatively, this is why fixing the nomination in favor of a deeply unpopular, already proven loser was a bad idea.

It will be hysterical when it turns out that Jimmy Butler permanently ruined KAT with his shenanigans the past few weeks.  I’m here for that. 

No, we didn’t go far enough during the Civil War.  We should have hanged all of the Confederate leadership and outlawed their ideology, like we forced Germany to do with Nazism, after WW2.

Hmm.  I would like to see that picture, for research purposes.  

Obama the Perfect! Obama the infallible!

I’m not sure what’s more depressing, the fact that Obama, who should know better than anyone, still is so willfully obtuse, or the army of Obama sycophants already littering the comment section to swoop in and tell all of us, contrary to the reality we all exist in, Libby especially, how Obama is correct.