
Yes, and MAYBE!

I’m jumping in before a ton of people scream about how he should never be let out of prison and how he’s out so soon.

Leach is awesome, until he’s really not so awesome.  


This is probably good. Nancy Pelosi and her feckless ilk need to see people are angry and if they don’t do something to stem this anger, there will be nothing to protect them from it.  Frankly, she needs to be yelled at a lot more, and more angrily.  

That show was so brilliant.  I miss it so much.

Old-man Rooney owning MLS is an ongoing indictment of the quality of that third-rate league.  

You have to wonder at this point if it’s pure performance art. Only a certified moron would think these kinds of things wouldn’t keep happening.

Yes. Preemptively surrender and do nothing. That is exactly a winning strategy. Shut up and go troll somewhere else.

Right? This is a take so bad, I legitimately looked to see if Billy wrote it.  

Or you just ingested a bunch of barium. 

As a Dolphin fan, I reject the concept that Tannehill is any better than Osweiler.

You do you, homey. 

Well played

No, it did not, but maybe in your mind.

We can either be serious about prison overpopulation and sentencing reform and act on your first sentence, or we can act out your sentence, like we currently do.

Which is precisely what happened, hence the 17th Amendment. 

You should have just said that. That was the only thing in your rambling, incoherent gibberish that makes any sense.

I legitimately laughed out loud at your infantile understanding of American history, since you think these things are all that bad.
