
Having competed in Quiz Bowl for years, he’s not wrong. You can only write so many questions about trivia.

I react to Yankees playoff momentum articles like I do Penguins playoff momentum articles:

Shut up. Shut UP. shutup. shutupshutupshutupSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP SHUT. UP.

I don’t think it would be good for the US to lose. If they don’t qualify, the World Cup gets cancelled and that isn’t fair to the other countries who made it.

-There are people who really think 73 isn’t the number? That’s moronic. Did he hit 73 home runs in a full season? Yes. Did he do it with steroids help? Yes, but so the fuck what? Everyone (including the pitchers!) used steroids. Unless opposing pitchers were being paid under the table to inflate his HR numbers, the 73

The game goes really fast when everything i click is uugh ugh ugh

I think this is a relatively smart move by the NBA. It avoids the biggest controversy without stopping the players from demonstrating in other ways or talking about what they want to talk about. NBA has always been fairly canny in its handling of social issues I think because of the more broadly liberal fanbase

Pau Gasol, Dwight Howard, Gary Payton, Karl Malone, Rick Fox, Ron Artest, Derek Fisher (2007), and this is off the top of my head, as a dude who lives in Cleveland.

PUBG IS the better thing to come to market. We’ve been waiting almost 10 years for this game. Arma is clunky as shit, DayZ went nowhere fast, H1Z1 died faster than light and PUBG is here to claim it’s rightful crown.

Where as I hate fortnite. Played about 5 matches before I unistalled it. The map is to small, the gameplay to arcade like, the guns feel underpowered, I hate no scopes, inventory management is a nightmare, etc, etc. Same reason I uninstalled H1Z1 after about 10 hours.

Nice rant bro, maybe do some of that thinking ahead before ranting when it’s uncalled for, though? I’m not being a jackass, I literally mean the literal definition is literally someone who is resistant to change, and I know what the word literal means.

The ‘Ooohh!’ is a Baltimore thing. DC fans tried to take it because they did not have baseball for years and Bmore was the closet mlb city. It is a cheer for the Orioles and the National Anthem was inspired by a War of 1812 naval attack by the British who shelled the city. Its a poem not a song! That is why everyone

Did you actually read what was said? “Caffeine changes flavors of things.” Is it flavored water? No? What does water taste like? Fuck all? READ BETTER.

I am predicting beards will be allowed by the end of 2018.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive-thru.

That had nothing to do with them combating piracy and everything to do with them realizing that they made more money getting someone to pay every month instead of once.

“These things are not equivalent. Piracy can still be a major problem, even in the absence of a measurable impact on the sales of media.”

Let’s assume for the sake of discussion piracy is theft (leaving aside the fact that 1. Digital files are reproducible without cost and 2. The original file is intact and still the “property” of the original owner), why should we care if it is?

If this guy is the Chris Kluwe that designed a game, it was a deck building Board Game. Surely his board game has many more options in a given scenario than Divinity 2........

Until dramatic technical breakthrough, I think your “radiation shielding” is going to be “living underground”. One of the things I say when I feel like raining on other people’s “Mars Soon!” parade is “you’re going to fly to another planet to life a life where going outside gives you cancer, so you spend almost all

The fact so many people dislike Russell Wesbrook absolutely baffles me. We have an athletic freak the likes of which we’ve only seen a handful of times in the league, and he really, really cares about winning. On top of that, he seems interesting and thoughtful, and dresses in ways you wish you could if you didn’t