As DC metro benches are concrete built into the station floors, this is definitely out of the question.
As DC metro benches are concrete built into the station floors, this is definitely out of the question.
Capping it is fine insofar as it keeps people with ridiculous frame rates (ie 150+) from suffering super-fast games. But if someone w/ 60fps still sees the game at 2x the speed someone w/ 30fps that seems like a big problem for a multiplayer game.
Brilliant, and you could swap San Antonio w/ Vegas by moving Colorado to the west, though it hurts my brain any time teams switch leagues. It’s just wrong that the Astros are an American League team now (and playing in the West, no less).
They’d surely be the Jays rival in interleague play such that they’d get a home and home every year. Sure, a division rivalry might be even more marketable, but you aren’t getting the Orioles out of the AL East.
Adding expansion teams would also mean selling more tickets, but we’re just looking at national revenues here—TV contracts, for example, won’t change just because there are new teams.
This is one of those rare comments where I think “I wonder what else this person has said” and start looking at your comment history because I want more like it. Very well put.
Time is a flat circle
Classic white Northwesterner entitlement mentality thinking you get anything to be on the side of the just. We’ll kick you in your shins.
I’m no fan of Schumer but I did read a compelling analysis that the GOP was going to get these 15 judges through between now and the election regardless. Either Dems keep the Senate in session and they use the time to run down cloture clocks on the judges and then vote, and with the time between now and the election,…
I can tell you’re an expert because you misspell vaccinate.
You’re trying to be clever here, but of course there is. For example, a vote for Trump resulted in private organizations unable to fund or hold events in Iran. Had Clinton won, private organizations would have been able to hold events and fund from Iran.
it’s your ad blocker. open in incognito if there’s one you really want to watch.
Is it really shitty to call someone out for their domestic violence? Sure, the Cleveland fan wasn’t doing it to support #metoo but I’m ok with a world where domestic abusers have to suffer taunting wherever they go.
But when will Foodspin weigh in on the best way to slow-roast kittens?
The amount I tip at take-out/coffee places that use Square is usually directly related to what options they offered.
No, he’s 100% better. The only real vote that matters in the Senate is for Majority Leader.
“Impactful” is a horrible word and you should feel horrible for using it. Effective. Meaningful. Environmentally responsible. All better choices.
Alternatively, use a paper box.
Alternatively, use a paper box.